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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – The Logical Data Warehouse

There’s debate surrounding the term “logical data warehouse.” Some argue that it is a new concept, while others argue that all well-designed data warehouses are logical and so the term is meaningless. This is a key point I’ll address in this post.

I’ll also discuss data warehousing that incorporates some of the technologies and approaches we’ve covered in previous installments of this series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ) but with a different architecture that embraces “any data, anywhere.”

So what is a “logical data warehouse?”

Bill Inmon and Barry Devlin provide two oft-quoted definitions of a “data warehouse.” Inmon says “a data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process.

Devlin stripped down the definition, saying “a data warehouse is simply a single, complete and consistent store of data obtained from a variety of sources and made available to end users in a way they can understand and use in a business context.

Although these definitions are widely adopted, there is some disparity in their interpretation. Some insist that such definitions imply a single repository, and thus a limitation.

On the other hand, some argue that a “collection of data” or a “single, complete and consistent store” could just as easily be virtual and therefore not inherently singular. They argue that the language is down to most early implementations only being single, physical data stores due to technology limitations.

Mark Beyer of Gartner is a prominent name in the former, singular repository camp. In 2011, he saidthe logical data warehouse (LDW) is a new data management architecture for analytics which combines the strengths of traditional repository warehouses with alternative data management and access strategy,” and the work has since been widely circulated.

So proponents of the “logical data warehouse,” as defined by Mark Beyer, don’t disagree with the value of an integrated collection of data. They just feel that if said collection is managed and accessed as something other than a monolithic, single physical database, then it is something different and should be called a “logical data warehouse” instead of just a “data warehouse.”

As the author of a series of posts about a jargon-filled [data] world, who am I to argue with the introduction of more new jargon?

In fact, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that the notion of a logical data warehouse has numerous jargon-rich enabling technologies and synonyms, including Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Services Bus (ESB), Virtualization Layer, and Data Fabric, though the latter term also has other unrelated uses.

So the essence of a logical data warehouse approach is to integrate diverse data assets into a single, integrated virtual data warehouse, without the traditional batch ETL or ELT processes required to copy data into a single, integrated physical data warehouse.

One of the key attractions to proponents of the approach is the avoidance of recurring batch extraction, transformation and loading activities that, typically argued, cause delays and lead to decisions being made based on data that is not as current as it could be.

The idea is to use caching and other technologies to create a virtualization layer that enables information consumers to ask a question as though they were interrogating a single, integrated physical data warehouse and to have the virtualization layer (which together with the data resident in some combination of underlying application systems, IoT data streams, external data sources, blockchains, data lakes, data warehouses and data marts, constitutes the logical data warehouse) respond correctly with more current data and without having to extract, transform and load data into a centralized physical store.

Logical Data Warehouse

While the moniker may be new, the idea of bringing the query to the data set(s) and then assembling an integrated result is not a new idea. There have been numerous successful implementations in the past, though they often required custom coding and rigorous governance to ensure response times and logical correctness.

Some would argue that such previous implementations were also not at the leading edge of data warehousing in terms of data volume or scope.

What is generating renewed interest in this approach is the continued frustration on the part of numerous stakeholders with delays attributed to ETL/ELT in traditional data warehouse implementations.

When you compound this with the often high costs of large (physical) data warehouse implementations, it’s not hard to see why. Especially if it’s based on MPP hardware, juxtaposed against the promise of some new solutions from vendors like Denodo and Cisco that capitalize on the increasing prevalence of new technologies, such as the cloud and in-memory.

One topic that quickly becomes clear as one learns more about the various logical data warehouse vendor solutions is that metadata is a very important component. However, this shouldn’t be a surprise, as the objective is still to present a single, integrated view to the information consumer.

So a well-architected, comprehensive and easily understood data model is as important as ever, both to ensure that information consumers can easily access properly integrated data and because the virtualization technology itself must depend on a properly architected data model to accurately transform an information request into queries to multiple data sources and then correctly synthesize the result sets into an appropriate response to the original information request.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our series, Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World, learning something from this post or one of the previous posts in the series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ).

The underlying theme, as you’ve probably deduced, is that data modeling remains critical in a world in which the volume, variety and velocity of data continue to grow while information consumers find it difficult to synthesize the right data in the right context to help them draw the right conclusions.

We encourage you to read other blog posts on this site by erwin staff members and other guest bloggers and to participate in ongoing events and webinars.

If you’d like to know more about accelerating your data modeling efforts for specific industries, while reducing risk and benefiting from best practices and lessons learned by other similar organizations in your industry, please visit erwin partner ADRM Software.

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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – In-memory Databases

With the volume and velocity of data increasing, in-memory databases provide a way to keep processing speeds low.

Traditionally, databases have stored their data on mechanical storage media such as hard disks. While this has contributed to durability, it’s also constrained attainable query speeds. Database and software designers have long realized this limitation and sought ways to harness the faster speeds of in-memory processing.

The traditional approach to database design – and analytics solutions to access them – includes in-memory caching, which retains a subset of recently accessed data in memory for fast access. While caching often worked well for online transaction processing (OLTP), it was not optimal for analytics and business intelligence. In these cases, the most frequently accessed information – rather than the most recently accessed information – is typically of most interest.

That said, loading an entire data warehouse or even a large data mart into memory has been challenging until recent years.


There are a few key factors in making in-memory databases and analytics offerings relevant for more and more use cases. One such factor has been the shift to 64-bit operating systems. Another is that it makes available much more addressable memory. And as one might assume, the availability of increasingly large and affordable memory solutions has also played a part.

Database and software developers have begun to take advantage of in-memory databases in a myriad of ways. These include the many key-value stores such as Amazon DynamoDB, which provide very low latency for IoT and a host of other use cases.

Another way businesses are taking advantage of in-memory is through distributed in-memory NoSQL databases such as Aerospike, to in-memory NewSQL databases such as VoltDB. However, for the remainder of this post, we’ll touch in more detail on several solutions with which you might be more familiar.

Some database vendors have chosen to build hybrid solutions that incorporate in-memory technologies. They aim to bridge in-memory with solutions based on tried-and-true, disk-based RDBMS technologies. Such vendors include Microsoft with its incorporation of xVelocity into SQL Server, Analysis Services and PowerPivot, and Teradata with its Intelligent Memory.

Other vendors, like IBM with its dashDB database, have chosen to deploy in-memory technology in the cloud, while capitalizing on previously developed or acquired technologies (in-database analytics from Netezza in the case of dashDB).

However, probably the most high-profile application of in-memory technology has been SAP’s significant bet on its HANA in-memory database, which first shipped in late 2010. SAP has since made it available in the cloud through its SAP HANA Cloud Platform, and on Microsoft Azure and it has released a comprehensive application suite called S/4HANA.

Like most of the analytics-focused in-memory databases and analytics tools, HANA stores data in a column-oriented, in-memory database. The primary rationale for taking a column-oriented approach to storing data in memory is that in analytic use cases, where data is queried but not updated, it allows for often very impressive compression of data values in each column. This means much less memory is used, resulting in even higher throughput and less need for expensive memory.

So what approach should a data architect adopt? Are Microsoft, Teradata and other “traditional” RDBMS vendors correct with their hybrid approach?

As memory gets cheaper by the day, and the value of rapid insights increases by the minute, should we host the whole data warehouse or data mart in-memory as with vendors SAP and IBM?

It depends on the specific use case, data volumes, business requirements, budget, etc. One thing that is not in dispute is that all the major vendors recognize that in-memory technology adds value to their solutions. And that extends beyond the database vendors to analytics tool stalwarts like Tableau and newer arrivals like Yellowfin.

It is incumbent upon enterprise architects to learn about the relative merits of the different approaches championed by the various vendors and to select the best fit for their specific situation. This is something that’s admittedly, not easy given the pace of adoption of in-memory databases and the variety of approaches being taken.

But there’s a silver lining to the creative disruption caused by the increasing adoption of in-memory technologies. Because of the sheer speed the various solutions offered, many organizations are finding that the need to pre-aggregate data to achieve certain performance targets for specific analytics workloads is disappearing. The same goes for the need to de-normalize database designs to achieve specific analytics performance targets.

Instead, organizations are finding that it’s more important to create comprehensive atomic data models that are flexible and independent of any assumed analytics workload.

Perhaps surprisingly to some, third normal form (3NF) is once again not an unreasonable standard of data modeling for modelers who plan to deploy to a pure in-memory or in-memory-augmented platform.

Organizations can forgo the time-consuming effort to model and transform data to support specific analytics workloads, which are likely to change over time anyway. They also can stop worrying about de-normalizing and tuning an RDBMS for those same fickle and variable analytics workloads, focusing on creating a logical data model of the business that reflects the business information requirements and relationships in a flexible and detailed format, that doesn’t assume specific aggregations and transformations.

The blinding speed of in-memory technologies provides the aggregations, joins and other transformations on the fly, without the onerous performance penalties we have historically experienced with very large data volumes on disk-only-based solutions. As a long-time data modeler, I like the sound of that. And so far in my experience with many of the solutions mentioned in this post, the business people like the blinding speed and flexibility of these new in-memory technologies!

Please join us next time for the final installment of our series, Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – The Logical Data Warehouse. We’ll discuss an approach to data warehousing that uses some of the technologies and approaches we’ve discussed in the previous six installments while embracing “any data, anywhere.”

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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – The Cloud

There’s no escaping data’s role in the cloud, and so it’s crucial that we analyze the cloud’s impact on data modeling. 

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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – Managed Data Lakes

More and more businesses are adopting managed data lakes.

Earlier in this blog series, we established that leading organizations are adopting a variety of approaches to manage data, including data that may be sourced from a wide range of NoSQL, NewSQL, RDBMS and unstructured sources.

In this post, we’ll discuss managed data lakes and their applications as a hybrid of less structured data and more traditionally structured relational data. We’ll also talk about whether there’s still a need for data modeling and metadata management.

The term Data Lake was first coined by James Dixon of Pentaho in a blog entry in which he said:

“If you think of a data mart as a store of bottled water – cleansed and packaged and structured for easy consumption – the data lake is a large body of water in a more natural state. The contents of the lake stream in from a source to fill the lake, and various users of the lake can come to examine, dive in, or take samples.”

Use of the term quickly took on a life of its own with often divergent meanings. So much so that four years later Mr. Dixon felt compelled to refute some criticisms by the analyst community by pointing out that they were objecting to things he actually never said about data lakes.

However, in my experience and despite Mr. Dixon’s objections, the notion that a data lake can contain data from more than one source is now widely accepted..

Similarly, while most early data lake implementations used Hadoop with many vendors pitching the idea that a data lake had to be implemented as a Hadoop data store, the notion that data lakes can be implemented on non-Hadoop platforms, such as Azure Blob storage or Amazon S3, has become increasingly widespread.

So a data lake – as the term is widely used in 2017 – is a detailed (non-aggregated) data store that can contain structured and/or non-structured data from more than one source implemented on some kind of inexpensive, massively scalable storage platform.

But what are “managed data lakes?”

To answer that question, let’s first touch on why many early data lake projects failed or significantly missed expectations. Criticisms were quick to arise, many of which were critiques of data lakes when they strayed from the original vision, as established earlier.

Vendors seized on data lakes as a marketing tool, and as often happens in our industry, they promised it could do almost anything. As long as you poured your data into the lake, people in the organization would somehow magically find exactly the data they needed just when they needed it. As is usually the case, it turned out that for most organizations, their reality was quite different. And for three important reasons:

  1. Most large organizations’ analysts didn’t have the skillsets to wade through the rapidly accumulating pool of information in Hadoop or whichever new platforms had been chosen to implement their data lakes to locate the data they needed.
  2. Not enough attention was paid to the need of providing metadata to help people find the data they needed.
  3. Most interesting analytics are a result of integrating disparate data points to draw conclusions, and integration had not been an area of focus in most data lake implementations.

In the face of growing disenchantment with data lake implementations, some organizations and vendors pivoted to address these drawbacks. They did so by embracing what is most commonly called a managed data lake, though some prefer the label “curated data lake” or “modern data warehouse.”

The idea is to address the three criticisms mentioned above by developing an architectural approach that allows for the use of SQL, making data more accessible and providing more metadata about the data available in the data lake. It also takes on some of the challenging work of integration and transformation that earlier data lake implementations had hoped to kick down the road or avoid entirely.

The result in most implementations of a managed data lake is a hybrid that tries to blend the strengths of the original data lake concept with the strengths of traditional large-scale data warehousing (as opposed to the narrow data mart approach Mr. Dixon used as a foil when originally describing data lakes).

Incoming data, either structured or unstructured, can be easily and quickly loaded from many different sources (e.g., applications, IoT, third parties, etc.). The data can be accumulated with minimal processing at reasonable cost using a bulk storage platform such as Hadoop, Azure Blob storage or Amazon S3.

Then the data, which is widely used within the organization, can be integrated and made available through a SQL or SQL-like interface, such as those from Hive to Postgres to a tried-and-true commercial relational database such as SQL Server (or its cloud-based cousin Azure SQL Data Warehouse).

In this scenario, a handful of self-sufficient data scientists may wade (or swim or dive) in the surrounding data lake. However, most analysts in most organizations still spend most of their time using familiar SQL-capable tools to analyze data stored in the core of the managed data lake – an island in the lake if we really want to torture the analogy – which is typically implemented either using an RDBMS or a relational layer like Hive on top of the bulk-storage layer.

It’s important to note that these are not two discrete silos. Most major vendors have added capabilities to their database and BI offerings to enable analysis of both RDBMS-based and bulk-storage layer data through a familiar SQL interface.

This enables a much larger percentage of an organization’s analysts to access data both in the core and the less structured surrounding lake, using tools with which they’re already familiar.

As this hybrid managed data lake approach incorporates a relational core, robust data modeling capabilities are as important as ever. The same goes for data governance and a thorough focus on metadata to provide clear naming and definitions to assist in finding and linking with the most appropriate data.

This is true whether inside the structured relational core of the managed data lake or in the surrounding, more fluid data lake.

As you probably guessed from some of the links in this post, more and more managed data lakes are being implemented in the cloud. Please join us next time for the fifth installment in our series: Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – The Cloud.

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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – NoSQL/NewSQL

In the first two posts of this series, we focused on the “volume” and “velocity” of Big Data, respectively.  In this post, we’ll cover “variety,” the third of Big Data’s “three Vs.” In particular, I plan to discuss NoSQL and NewSQL databases and their implications for data modeling.

As the volume and velocity of data available to organizations continues to rapidly increase, developers have chafed under the performance shackles of traditional relational databases and SQL.

An astonishing array of database solutions have arisen during the past decade to provide developers with higher performance solutions for various aspects of managing their application data. These have been collectively labeled as NoSQL databases.

Originally NoSQL meant that “no SQL” was required to interface with the database. In many cases, developers viewed this as a positive characteristic.

However, SQL is very useful for some tasks, with many organizations having rich SQL skillsets. Consequently, as more organizations demanded SQL as an option to complement some of the new NoSQL databases, the term NoSQL evolved to mean “not only SQL.” This way, SQL capabilities can be leveraged alongside other non-traditional characteristics.

Among the most popular of these new NoSQL options are document databases like MongoDB. MongoDB offers the flexibility to vary fields from document to document and change structure over time. Document databases typically store data in JSON-like documents, making it easy to map to objects in application code.

As the scale of NoSQL deployments in some organizations has rapidly grown, it has become increasingly important to have access to enterprise-grade tools to support modeling and management of NoSQL databases and to incorporate such databases into the broader enterprise data modeling and governance fold.

While document databases, key-value databases, graph databases and other types of NoSQL databases have added valuable options for developers to address various challenges posed by the “three Vs,” they did so largely by compromising consistency in favor of availability and speed, instead offering “eventual consistency.” Consequently, most NoSQL stores lack true ACID transactions, though there are exceptions, such as Aerospike and MarkLogic.

But some organizations are unwilling or unable to forgo consistency and transactional requirements, giving rise to a new class of modern relational database management systems (RDBMS) that aim to guarantee ACIDity while also providing the same level of scalability and performance offered by NoSQL databases.

NewSQL databases are typically designed to operate using a shared nothing architecture. VoltDB is one prominent example of this emerging class of ACID-compliant NewSQL RDBMS. The logical design for NewSQL database schemas is similar to traditional RDBMS schema design, and thus, they are well supported by popular enterprise-grade data modeling tools such as erwin DM.

Whatever mixture of databases your organization chooses to deploy for your OLTP requirements on premise and in the cloud – RDBMS, NoSQL and/or NewSQL – it’s as important as ever for data-driven organizations to be able to model their data and incorporate it into an overall architecture.

When it comes to organizations’ analytics requirements, including data that may be sourced from a wide range of NoSQL, NewSQL RDBMS and unstructured sources, leading organizations are adopting a variety of approaches, including a hybrid approach that many refer to as Managed Data Lakes.

Please join us next time for the fourth installment in our series: Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – Managed Data Lakes.


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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – Internet of Things (IoT)

In the first post of this blog series, we focused on jargon related to the “volume” aspect of Big Data and its impact on data modeling and data-driven organizations. In this post, we’ll focus on “velocity,” the second of Big Data’s “three Vs.”

In particular, we’re going to explore the Internet of Things (IoT), the constellation of web-connected devices, vehicles, buildings and related sensors and software. It’s a great time for this discussion too, as IoT devices are proliferating at a dizzying pace in both number and variety.

Though IoT devices typically generate small “chunks” of data, they often do so at a rapid pace, hence the term “velocity.” Some of these devices generate data from multiple sensors for each time increment. For example, we recently worked with a utility that embedded sensors in each transformer in its electric network and then generated readings every 4 seconds for voltage, oil pressure and ambient temperature, among others.

While the transformer example is just one of many, we can quickly see two key issues that arise when IoT devices are generating data at high velocity. First, organizations need to be able to process this data at high speed.  Second, organizations need a strategy to manage and integrate this never-ending data stream. Even small chunks of data will accumulate into large volumes if they arrive fast enough, which is why it’s so important for businesses to have a strong data management platform.

It’s worth noting that the idea of managing readings from network-connected devices is not new. In industries like utilities, petroleum and manufacturing, organizations have used SCADA systems for years, both to receive data from instrumented devices to help control processes and to provide graphical representations and some limited reporting.

More recently, many utilities have introduced smart meters in their electricity, gas and/or water networks to make the collection of meter data easier and more efficient for a utility company, as well as to make the information more readily available to customers and other stakeholders.

For example, you may have seen an energy usage dashboard provided by your local electric utility, allowing customers to view graphs depicting their electricity consumption by month, day or hour, enabling each customer to make informed decisions about overall energy use.

Seems simple and useful, but have you stopped to think about the volume of data underlying this feature? Even if your utility only presents information on an hourly basis, if you consider that it’s helpful to see trends over time and you assume that a utility with 1.5 million customers decides to keep these individual hourly readings for 13 months for each customer, then we’re already talking about over 14 billion individual readings for this simple example (1.5 million customers x 13 months x over 30 days/month x 24 hours/day).

Now consider the earlier example I mentioned of each transformer in an electrical grid with sensors generating multiple readings every 4 seconds. You can get a sense of the cumulative volume impact of even very small chunks of data arriving at high speed.

With experts estimating the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion devices by 2020, businesses across every industry must prepare to deal with IoT data.

But I have good news because IoT data is generally very simple and easy to model. Each connected device typically sends one or more data streams with each having a value for the type of reading and the time at which it occurred. Historically, large volumes of simple sensor data like this were best stored in time-series databases like the very popular PI System from OSIsoft.

While this continues to be true for many applications, alternative architectures, such as storing the raw sensor readings in a data lake, are also being successfully implemented. Though organizations need to carefully consider the pros and cons of home-grown infrastructure versus time-tested industrial-grade solutions like the PI System.

Regardless of how raw IoT data is stored once captured, the real value of IoT for most organizations is only realized when IoT data is “contextualized,” meaning it is modeled in the context of the broader organization.

The value of modeled data eclipses that of “edge analytics” (where the value is inspected by a software program while inflight from the sensor, typically to see if it falls within an expected range, and either acted upon if required or allowed simply to pass through) or simple reporting like that in the energy usage dashboard example.

It is straightforward to represent a reading of a particular type from a particular sensor or device in a data model or process model. It starts to get interesting when we take it to the next step and incorporate entities into the data model to represent expected ranges –  both for readings under various conditions and representations of how the devices relate to one another.

If the utility in the transformer example has modeled that IoT data well, it might be able to prevent a developing problem with a transformer and also possibly identify alternate electricity paths to isolate the problem before it has an impact on network stability and customer service.

Hopefully this overview of IoT in the utility industry helps you see how your organization can incorporate high-velocity IoT data to become more data-driven and therefore more successful in achieving larger corporate objectives.

Subscribe and join us next time for Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – NoSQL/NewSQL.

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Data Modeling in a Jargon-filled World – Big Data & MPP

By now, you’ve likely heard a lot about Big Data. You may have even heard about “the three Vs” of Big Data. Originally defined by Gartner, “Big Data is “high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision-making, insight discovery and process optimization.”