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Generate Multiple Diagram Pictures

You generate picture reports of model diagrams to share them with others who do not have erwin® Data Modeler. You can generate picture reports of a single diagram or multiple diagrams in one submission.

To generate multiple diagram pictures

  1. Open a model and click Tools, Diagram Picture, Generate Diagram Pictures.

    The Generate Diagram Picture dialog appears and displays a list of the diagrams in the model. This list includes all diagrams, regardless of the object with which it is associated.

  2. Select one or more diagrams.
  3. Click Browse and select the location where you want to save the diagrams.

    The diagrams are saved in .EMF (enhanced Windows metafile) format. The default names of diagrams for model-level diagrams are in <owner name_diagram name> format. Similarly, the default names of diagrams for subject area-level diagrams are in <owner name_subjectarea_name_diagram name> format.

    Note: If you generate images of diagrams that are not open, the diagrams are first loaded internally and then the images are generated. This process may take some time.