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The Query Tool

The Query Tool provides an easy way to execute SQL SELECT queries against a model in erwin® Data Modeler, a model in a mart, or against a database catalog. You can execute a query against the objects and properties in the model, the metadata defining those objects and properties, and the action log that records the changes that are made to your model during the modeling session.

You can create new queries or paste text from another source (such as a *.sql file) into a query.

You can save a query to a .*qry file for later execution. Query results can be saved to a *.csv (comma-separated values) file.

Although the Query Tool provides a built-in query interface in erwin® Data Modeler, you can also use any third-party reporting tool that has ODBC capability to query erwin® Data Modeler modeling data.

Note: For more information about using the ODBC data sources see the How to Generate or View Reports scenario. The scenario is available in the bookshelf under Product Documentation By Role, Data Architect section. The scenario also includes a number of sample queries that you can use.

More information:

Execute a Query Against a Database

Execute a Query Against erwin ODBC

Save a Result Set to a CSV File