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Set General Options

Use the General tab in the Options dialog to set global defaults for general features for all modeling sessions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Options on the Tools menu.

    The Options dialog opens.

  2. Click the General tab and work with following options:
    Reset all messages

    Enables you to view popup dialog messages during the modeling session if you previously selected the Don't show this again option on any popup dialogs.

    Default model location

    Specifies the default location where your models are saved.

    Default template location

    Specifies the default location where your templates are saved.

    Transaction log location

    Specifies the default location to store transaction log binary files temporarily.

    Note: Transaction log files can be useful for erwin® Data Modeler Technical Support to help resolve issues.

    Suppress diagram tooltips

    Specifies whether you want to suppress the tooltips that are displayed when you hover over a diagram.

    Validate previous version metadata in model

    Specifies the way you want to load models created in older version of the product. If selected, it disables demanding load and uses full load and validates all the components of a model. If unselected, it enables demanding load.

    Use Online Help

    Specifies whether you want to display the online help from a website. Select this option if you are connected to the Internet. The website always has the latest online help.

    Use Local Help

    Specifies whether you want to display the online help from your local computer. Select this option if you are not connected to the Internet. The erwin bookshelf is available in the C:\Program Files\erwin\Data Modeler [rn]\erwin Bookshelf folder.

  3. Click OK.

    General options are set and the Options dialog closes.