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Global Default Options

You use the Options dialog to set global default actions for the following features:


Lets you specify default actions for the following general options:


Specify how to handle product generated messages.

File locations

Specify a default location for saving models, templates, and transaction logs.


Specify whether to suppress the diagram tooltips when erwin® Data Modeler is launched. Also, specify the way to load models created in older version of the product.

Help Source

Choose whether to use local or online help.


Lets you specify default actions when you open or save an XML file.


Lets you specify whether or not to log product queries into trace files, a default location for the trace files, and a default location for status log files each time you perform either an Import from External Format or an Export to External Format.


Lets you start or stop the erwin ODBC driver. When the driver is active, you can run SQL queries against the current model, using the erwin® Data Modeler Query Tool or third-party reporting tools such as Microsoft Excel. It also lets you specify whether to generate a model activity summary when you close the model, and a default location for saving activity summaries.


Lets you specify default actions for the Difference Reconciliation dialog when a three-way merge occurs.

More information:

Set Default XML Options

Start or Stop the erwin ODBC Driver

Set Default Diagnostic Options