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Set Default Actions for a Three-Way Merge

Use the Model Manager tab in the Options dialog to set default actions for a three-way merge.

To set default actions for a three-way merge

  1. Click Options on the Tools menu.

    The Options dialog opens.

  2. Select the Model Manager tab.

    The Model Manager tab opens.

  3. Specify the following options and click OK.
    Bypass Difference Reconciliation Dialog if there are no conflicts

    Select this check box to skip the Difference Reconciliation dialog if no conflicts are detected between the version of the model in the mart and the local version. If no conflicts are detected, the local copy is updated from the mart version before the model is saved.

    Show All Objects in Difference Reconciliation Dialog

    Select this check box to turn off the options to optimize the compare process. The Difference Reconciliation dialog will display all objects including those that were not modified in the checked out model and in the mart copy of the model.

    Three-way merge options are set and the Options dialog closes.