There are several keys and key combinations you can use to help you move through the models and dialogs. You can use these key combinations instead of the mouse.
Moves the cursor from attribute to attribute in an entity or table box on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor to each option from left to right and top to bottom in a dialog.
Accesses the default dialog for the selected object and moves the cursor from attribute to attribute in an entity or table box on a diagram window.
Executes the default button in a dialog.
Moves the cursor to the first position in a text box.
Moves the cursor to the last position in a text box.
Scrolls up one line on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor to the previous position in a text box, moves the cursor to the previous button, or moves the cursor through the items in a drop-down list in a dialog.
Scrolls down one line on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor to the next position in a text box, moves the cursor to the next button, or moves the cursor through the items in a drop-down list in a dialog.
Scrolls one step to the right on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor one character to the right in a text box.
Scrolls one step to the left on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor one character to the left in a text box.
Scrolls up one page on a diagram window.
Scrolls down one page on a diagram window.
Cancels the command and closes the dialog.
Cancels the on-diagram editing on a window.
Prompts the user to delete the selected object from the subject area or model, or copy it to the clipboard, on a diagram window.
Deletes the selected character and move the cursor back one position in a text box. Deletes selected text.
Activates the selected object in an entity or table box for editing, on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor from object to object in reverse order on a diagram window.
Moves the cursor from attribute to attribute in reverse order in a dialog.
Stops on-diagram editing on a window.
Displays the Parent/Child Edit Selector and prompts you to select the parent or child end of the relationship for editing.
Moves a selected object to another entity or table.
Scrolls one page to the right on a diagram window.
Scrolls one page to the left on a diagram window.
Scrolls to the top of the diagram window.
Moves the cursor to the first space in a text box on a diagram window.
Scrolls to the bottom of the diagram window.
Moves the cursor to the last space in a text box on a diagram window.
Displays a list of valid items in drop-down lists.
Exits the program.
Expands the corresponding menu.
Toggles between an active and inactive status bar.
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