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Mart Report Data Compression

In the Workgroup Edition, the model data and model report data are stored in separate internal tables. The model report data table (m9ReportData) includes only those columns that are required to generate model-specific reports. When you update a model and save the changes, both the tables are updated. This approach is implemented to improve the performance of Mart report generation. From this release onward, you can improve the performance of Mart reporting further by changing the way the report information is stored in the report data table.

You can store the report information in two ways--binary or XML. By default, the report information is stored in binary format. Information is compressed in binary format, therefore it occupies less space. However, regardless of the format in which the information is stored, the accuracy of the information remains the same. When you change the storage format, the information for a model is converted to the new format the next time the model is saved. After you change the storage format, if you do not update a model, the storage format for that specific model is not changed. For example, suppose that you have 50 models in your Mart and the existing storage format is XML. The report data table has stored the information for all these models in XML format. Suppose that you change the format to binary and update 10 models today. The information for the 10 models is stored in binary format and the information for the remaining 40 models is in XML format.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log out of the Mart and stop the Mart Server service.
  2. Navigate to the \webapps\MartServer\WEB-INF folder on the computer where erwin Mart Server is installed. Typically, the path for this folder is as follows:

    For a 32-bit version:

    <installation folder>\erwin\Mart Server r9\Tomcat\Webapps\Mart Server\WEB-INF

    For a 64-bit version:

    <installation folder>\erwin\Mart Server r9\Tomcat64\Webapps\Mart Server\WEB-INF
  3. Open the rest-context.xml file in a text editor such as Notepad and navigate to the following line:
    <property name="compressReportData" value="true" />

    Default: True (binary format)

  4. To change the format to XML, change the value to “false”.
  5. Save the XML file.
  6. Start the Mart Server service and log in to the Mart.