DAMA Day New York – May 2021

erwin is excited to be a part of the next virtual DAMA DAY NYC on May 20th, including a presentation by erwin’s own Sam Benedict.

May 20, 2021

erwin by Quest is excited to be a part of the next virtual DAMA DAY NYC on May 20th, “Making Data an Enterprise Asset – Let’s take data beyond the lake and the cloud.” erwin’s Sam Benedict will among the presenters, speaking on “Measuring Data as an Enterprise Asset.”

This DAMA Day theme will facilitate the discussion necessary to identify today’s data challenges and then to point the compass in the right direction:  “Due North.” Only then can we hope to begin to make data an enterprise assets that can be leveraged across the data landscape. This event will explore different alternatives that might be used so that we can realize our goals.

Come join us and learn why data is falling short as an enterprise asset and what can be accomplished to make it go beyond the data lake and cloud technology so it can become valuable information.


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