New Features and Enhancements
Following new features and enhancements are available in erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM) and erwin Mart Portal 12.5.
Denormalization Support for NoSQL Models
Productivity and UI Enhancements
Enterprise Modeling Compliance
The list includes a brief description and wherever relevant, a reference to more information about each feature.
Project Explorer
You can now organize all the database models involved in your application development process in a single project in erwin DM. You can store projects and their contents as a folder in a location of your choice. To open the models in a project together, open the project file from the storage location or through the erwin DM. The new Project Explorer pane and toolbar in erwin DM also offer you an end-to-end solution to organize and manage the models in a project.
For more information, refer to the Getting Started with Projects topic.
Teradata Support
erwin DM now supports Teradata Vantage 17.x as a target database.
For information on supported objects and data types, refer Teradata Support Summary.
MongoDB Support
erwin DM now supports MongoDB 5.x and 6.x as target databases.
For information on supported objects and data types, refer MongoDB Support Summary.
AlloyDB Support
erwin DM now supports AlloyDB 1.1 as target database.
For information on supported objects and data types, refer AlloyDB Support Summary.
Neo4j Support
erwin DM is now certified to work with Neo4j version 4.4.x.
erwin DM is now certified to work with PostgreSQL versions 14.x and 15.x.
For information on supported objects and data types, refer PostgreSQL Support Summary.
SQL Server
erwin DM is now certified to work with SQL Server version 2022.
For information on supported objects and data types, refer SQL Server Support Summary.
Databricks Partner Connect
Databricks Partner Connect is now live and available for erwin DM. Databricks as a target database also supports Databricks Unity Catalog.
OKTA support for Snowflake
In addition to AzureAD, erwin DM 12.5 supports OKTA Single Sign On (SSO) for Snowflake database.
Bitbucket Support
You can now connect to a Bitbucket repository to push forward engineering scripts for a Mart Model to the Git repository. Bitbucket enables you to utilize features, such as version control and collaboration with team members. For information on connecting to Bitbucket, refer to the Connecting to Git Repositories topic.
Database Support Updates
Support for the following databases has been updated:
Database |
Enhancements |
ArangoDB | Views tab has been added to the ArangoDB Reverse Engineering Wizard. |
Avro | Precision and Scale properties have been added to the Avro Field Editor. These properties are applicable only to the data type BYTES. |
Google BigQuery |
Cassandra | Materialized Views tab has been added to the Cassandra Reverse Engineering Wizard. |
Couchbase | erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM) now supports using Couchbase with Python SDK instead of C SDK. |
DynamoDB |
Redshift | Support for Redshift Encoding AZ64 has been added. |
MongoDB |
Denormalization Support for NoSQL Models
You can now perform advanced denormalization on all NoSQL database models in addition to Cassandra.
For more information, refer to the advanced denormalization topic.
Productivity and UI Enhancements
Several additions and enhancements have been implemented to improve erwin DM's productivity and usage experience. These enhancements are:
- Copy Family: You can now create new ER diagrams using whole or part of model object families from existing diagrams.
- Recent Files: The Recent Files list in the erwin DM Welcome screen now displays the latest version of the Mart models instead of the version that was last accessed.
- Demand Loading: To improve project loading time, Demand Loading option for projects has been added to erwin DM Options.
- Scheduler: Support for projects has been added to erwin DM Scheduler. You can now schedule reverse engineering jobs for all the required models in a project using erwin DM Scheduler.
- Project Explorer: erwin DM now displays models with configured connection parameters for reverse engineering in the Project Explorer with a green check mark.
- Custon Option Set: You can now create and use custom option sets for Complete Compare in erwin DM Scheduler.
- Exclude UDP: You can now choose to exclude User Defined Properties (UDP) during Complete Compare to accelerate the process.
- SDI Indication on Model Diagram: For columns or attributes labelled SDI, you can now choose to display an SDI indication on the model diagram via diagram properties. For more information, refer to the Set Table Display Preferences and Set Entity Display Preferences topics.
- Column Sort Order: NoSQL databases now support column sort order function in addition to SQL databases.
erwin ER360
erwin ER360 provides unified and central visuals of your erwin Data Models to help you manage, review, and govern your on-premises or SaaS ‘On Cloud Mart’ data models. It provides self-service access to visualization and detailed metadata classification to encourage business teams, governance teams, and other stakeholders to collaborate and increase data literacy. For more information, refer to erwin ER360 Online Help.
Git Support
You can now view the DDL of a model version and compare it with another version of the model from the Catalogs pane.
DM Connect for DI Support
The DM Connect for DI feature has been upgraded to support:
- Importing one or more erwin Data Intelligence (erwin DI) environments to erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM)
- Multiple erwin DI configurations
erwin DI v13.0
Enterprise Modeling Compliance
Enterprise modeling Compliance (EMC) provides a mechanism for mart-privileged, non-administrator users to apply metadata standards across mart catalogs in order to maintain quality of data models at the enterprise level. Using EMC, you can create customized data compliance policies and rules for data models saved to Mart. You can also create user-defined jobs to apply these policies to the models and generate comprehensive reports with pass, error, and warning statistics.
For more information, refer to the Enterprise Modeling Compliance topic.
Enterprise Glossary
Enterprise Glossary provides a mechanism to employ your business terms, vocabularies, ontologies, and standards weaved together to build and govern an enterprise-level standard for your mart-catalog assets.
For more information, refer to the Enterprise Glossary topic.
erwin Mart Portal
erwin Mart Portal has undergone several enhancements as follows:
- erwin Mart Portal has undergone several enhancements as follows:
Email addresses or user name, individually as well as together are supported as your default selector instead of only username. You can configure this under settings to be displayed across erwin Mart Portaland erwin ER360.
The catalog tree displays a Sensitive Data Indicator, SDI tag for models that contain sensitive data.
Ability to control the level of permission and assign a user or a group to a profile, library, or model has been added.
View as a permission at library level has been added.
Using the Project Explorer in erwin DM, you can save projects and their models to mart under catalogs.
You can generate Personal Access Tokens for REST API via Settings.
User device tracking for logs is supported.
Third Party Tools
Support for third-party tools has been upgraded as follows for erwin DM and erwin Mart Portal:
Tomcat Server v9.0.65 has been replaced with Apache Server v2.4.57.
AdoptOpenJDK version for erwin DM has been upgraded to 11.0.19+7.
JDK version for erwin Mart Portal has been upgraded to 17.0.7.
OpenSSL has been upgraded to version
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