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Define a Subpartition in Oracle 11g

Use the Subpartition tab in the Oracle Table Partition Editor dialog to define subpartitions for the selected partitions. You can create subpartitions only for Range, List, and Interval types of partitions. In addition, you can create only Range, List, and Hash types of subpartitions.

Note: When you use the Oracle Table Partition Editor, the constraints that are applied are same as the constraints in an Oracle database. For example, one of the constraints is that you cannot create a partition on a table that is part of a cluster. This constraint applies when you create a partition on an Oracle database therefore it also applies when you use the Oracle Table Partition Editor.

Follow these steps:

  1. Complete the following fields:
    Partition Columns--Column

    Specifies the columns that are subpartitioned. Select one or more columns to include in the subpartition.

    Subpartition Options
    Subpartition Template

    Specifies whether you want to use a template to define subpartitions.

    Template Subpartition Elements

    This panel is displayed only for the Range, List, and Hash partition types.


    Specifies the name of the subpartition that is used as a template.

    Partition Value

    Specifies the values to the subpartitions that are used as a template. This field is read-only.

    Partition Elements--Partition Element Editor

    Lets you define the properties for partition elements.

    Regular Table Tablespaces

    This panel is displayed only for the Quantity hash partition type.


    Specifies the name of the tablespace in which you want to create the partitions.

    Tablespace Editor

    Lets you specify the details of the regular tablespace.

    Overflow Table Tablespaces

    This panel is displayed only for the Quantity hash partition type and only for index-organized tables that have the Overflow option selected.


    Specifies the name of the tablespace in which you want to create the partitions.

    Tablespace Editor

    Lets you specify the details of the overflow tablespace.

  2. Click Close.

    The values are saved and the dialog closes.