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Define Informix Table Index Properties

Use the Informix Table Index Editor to specify properties for a table index in a physical model. For more detailed information about these properties, see your SQL documentation.

To define Informix table index properties

  1. Right-click a table index in the Model Explorer and click Properties.

    The Informix Table Index Editor opens.

  2. Select the table from the Table drop-down that contains the index that you want to define.
  3. Select the index in the Navigation Grid that you want to define.

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create a new index. Use the Enter filter text box to filter a very large list of indexes to quickly locate the one that you want to define.

  4. Work with the following options:

    Displays the table to which the selected table index belongs.

    property editor PREVIOUS icon Previous

    Positions the editor on the previous table index in the Navigation Grid.

    property editor NEXT icon Next

    Positions the editor on the next table index in the Navigation Grid.

    Table Index Editor Toolbar_Index Sort Order Button Sort

    Sorts the table indexes by alphabetic, reverse alphabetic, or index order. You select the method you want using the drop-down menu that opens after you click the Sort button.

    New icon in property editors to create a new object New

    Creates a new table index that becomes the current object in the editor.

    property editor DELETE button Delete

    Deletes the selected table index.

    property editor HELP button Help

    Accesses online help for the editor.

    enter filter text box in a property editor to filter object list

    Lets you enter text to filter a large list of table index objects so you can quickly locate the one that you want.

    Show FK Indexes

    Specifies to display FK (foreign key) indexes in the Navigation Grid.

    Physical Name

    Displays the physical name of the table index.


    Displays the table index type.

    Is Unique

    Specifies to allow only unique values in the table index. Clear this check box to allow non-unique values.

    Note: This option is unavailable when a primary or foreign key index is selected.

    Physical Only

    Specifies whether to have the index appear in the physical model only. If you want the index to appear in the logical model as a key group, clear the check box.

    Note: This option is unavailable when a primary or foreign key index is selected.


    Generates SQL during forward engineering. Clear the check box if you do not want to generate SQL.

  5. Click the General tab and work with the following options:

    Specifies whether the index is clustered or nonclustered.

    DB Owner

    Specifies the index owner.

    Storage Option

    Lets you specify one of the following storage options for the table index:

    DB Space

    Specifies to use a dbspace for storage and lets you specify the dbspace to use. Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the IN_DBSPACE drop-down to add a new dbspace or click the Informix dbspace Editor button to open the dbspace Editor button to open the Informix DBSpace Editor to work with an existing dbspace.

    Frag By Expression

    Specifies to fragment the index by expression across multiple storage spaces and lets you specify an additional dbspace. Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the REMAINDER_IN drop-down to add a new dbspace or click the Informix dbspace Editor button to open the dbspace Editor button to open the Informix DBSpace Editor to work with an existing dbspace.

  6. Click the Members tab to specify the columns to place into the index. You can also include non-key columns in the index; these columns are not part of the index but are stored along with the index columns in the index data area for fast retrieval. This optimizes retrieval speed because a read of this column is satisfied from the index data area, without accessing the row from the row data area.
  7. Click the Partitions tab to define table index partition columns.
  8. (Optional) Click the Where Used tab to view where the index is used within the model.
  9. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments that you want to associate with the table index.
  10. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the table index.
  11. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view or enter notes that you want to associate with the table index.
  12. Click Close.

    The table index is defined and the Informix Table Index Editor closes.

More information:

Define Informix DBSpaces