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View the History of the Model

Use the History tab in the Model Editor to view the history of a model, and add additional comments.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Model, Model Properties to open the Model Editor.
  2. Click the History tab.

    The following fields display:


    Displays the history events that you have selected to track for the model or object.


    Displays the description of the event.

    Source Path

    Displays the source of the object. The Source Path column is empty for the Create event. Source Path is formatted as follows:


    $ModelPath is the path for a model in the local computer or the path for a Mart model in the Mart Server.


    Displays the notes entered by the user. Click the Edit icon to add comments.

    Date Created

    Displays the date and time the event was created.

    Created By

    Displays the name of the user that created the event.

    The following history information is also tracked, but it is not visible on the History tab. It is included in the XML file when you save a model to XML.


    Specifies the Long Id of a source object.


    Specifies the Short Id of a source object.


    Specifies the Long Id to identify the current history item.

  3. To add comments for the history information, click the Edit icon and enter text in the Notes Editor.

    The text displays in the Comment column.

  4. To delete a history record, click the Delete icon.

    You can delete a history record, but you cannot undo the delete action.

  5. Click Close.

    The Model Editor closes.