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Version Compatibility

The following information describes the version compatibility when working with erwin® Data Modeler models and your target DBMS is SQL Server 2008:

Backward compatibility

Models created for SQL Server 2008 are not supported in versions before erwin® Data Modeler r8. If you save an SQL Server 2008 r8 model as a erwin® Data Modeler r7.2 or r7.3 model, for example, the target server of the model becomes SQL Server 2005. A dialog opens warning you of this change so you can decide whether to continue saving your model.

Forward compatibility

Models created in erwin® Data Modeler r7.2 or r7.3 for SQL Server 2005/2008 are not converted to SQL Server 2008 models in erwin® Data Modeler r8. They remain as SQL Server 2005 models. A target server change is required to convert the model to SQL Server 2008.