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Three-Way Merge

When two different users check out a model from the mart, change the model, and check it back in to the mart, the differences display in the Difference Reconciliation dialog (part of the Complete Compare user interface).

A conflict exists when two users check the same model out of the mart, and then change the same object or property. When each user checks their models back in to the mart, a "three-way merge" is necessary to reconcile the differences made by each user, and the unchanged objects and properties in the mart. The three-way merge of the models is sometimes slow for large models because all objects participate in the compare process.

The criteria for detecting changes include the following:

Note: The definitions of conflict and difference are as follows:

The Mart tab in the Options dialog available on the Tools menu includes the following check boxes:

Bypass Difference Reconciliation Dialog if there are no conflicts

Select this check box to skip the Difference Reconciliation dialog if no conflicts are detected between the version of the model in the mart and the local version. If no conflicts are detected, the local copy is updated from the mart version before the model is saved.
Note: Even when you select the Bypass Difference Reconciliation Dialog if there are no conflicts check box, you may encounter the reconciliation dialog while doing a three-way merge with more than two users.

Show All Objects in Difference Reconciliation Dialog

Select this check box to turn off the options to optimize the compare process. The Difference Reconciliation dialog will display all objects including those that were not modified in the checked out model and in the mart copy of the model.

More information:

Reconcile Model Differences

Difference Reconciliation Standard Toolbar

Difference Reconciliation Impact Analysis and Reporting Toolbar

Difference Reconciliation Known Difference Toolbar

Difference Reconciliation Navigation Toolbar

Difference Reconciliation Standard Filters Toolbar