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Synchronize Models

The application development process typically begins with a logical model that captures business requirements. Then, to transition from one design layer to another, for example, from a logical model to a physical model, you derive a new model. In this scenario, each model represents a design layer in the application development process.

As the design layers grow, the source of information for model objects is important. When you derive a model, the source and derived model are linked automatically and you can review the source of information for the derived model objects. You can synchronize a model with a model source so the two models contain the same model information.

You can use the Sync with Model Source Wizard to synchronize a model with a model source.

Important: When you use the Sync with Model Source Wizard with a erwin® Data Modeler Workgroup Edition mart, by default, the left model is the source model and the right model is the target model. When you export changes in the Resolve Differences dialog, you should export your changes from right to left using the left arrows. You can verify which model is the source and which is the target by expanding the windows in the Resolve Differences dialog to view the entire path of the model.

More information:

How to Synchronize Models