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Specify Volumetric Information for a Table

Use the Volumetrics tab in the Table Editor to enter sizing information, including growth estimates, for a table. Growth estimates are useful for generating reports on future table and database growth.

Note: Ensure that your estimates are as accurate as possible because these estimates have the greatest effect on the calculated table size.

To specify volumetric information for a table

  1. Click Tables on the Model menu.

    The Table Editor opens.

  2. Select the table in the Navigation Grid for which you want to specify volumetrics.

    Note: Use the Enter filter text text box to filter a very large list of tables to quickly locate the one that you need.

  3. Click the Volumetrics tab and work with the following options:
    Initial Row Count

    Lets you enter an initial number of records for the selected table.

    Max Rows

    Lets you enter the maximum allowable number of records that the table is designed to hold. You can leave this field empty to achieve open-ended growth. This option is used along with the Grow By Month option to determine when a table will reach its designed record limit.

    Grow By Month

    Lets you enter the estimated number of records that you expect the table to grow per month. If you have a maximum record number in the Max Rows field, table growth will stop at that record number.

  4. Click Close.

    Table volumetrics are defined and the Table Editor closes.

More information:

Volumetrics in a Data Model

Specify Volumetric Information for an Entity