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Set Diagram Options Using the Diagram Editor

You use the Diagram Editor to define a set of display characteristics for the selected diagram. Any changes you make to the graphical appearance or layout of a diagram does not affect any other diagram or subject area in the model.

Set diagram options using the diagram editor

  1. Click Diagrams on the Diagram menu.

    The Diagram Editor opens.

  2. Click the General tab, select the diagram you want to modify, and work with the following options:

    Specifies a name to associate with the diagram. Enter or change the name as appropriate.

    Optional Theme

    Specifies the Theme (all the font, color, and display options) to use for the objects present in your model. You can use a default Theme, or open the Theme Editor to create a new Theme.

    Optional override to Theme background fill

    Lets you specify fill options, such as style and color for the background fill. Your choice overrides the style specified in the Optional Theme.

  3. Click the Members tab and work with the following options:
    Automatically populate from Subject Area (or Automatically populate from Model)

    Indicates that you want to populate the Included Objects section automatically from the subject area (or the model).

    Available Objects

    Lists the pool of available objects that you can add to the Included Objects section. You move objects from this section to the Included Objects section to populate the diagram.

    Included Objects

    Lists the objects included in the diagram. You populate this list by selecting objects from the Available Objects section and moving them to the Included Objects section.

    Note: Use the toolbar options on the Members tab to sort objects, change the name display format, move or remove objects, and open the editor for a selected object.

  4. Click the Relationships tab and work with the following options:
    Available Relationships

    Lists the pool of available objects that you can add to the Included Relationships section. You move objects from this section to the Included Relationships section to populate the diagram.

    Included Relationships

    Lists the relationships included in the diagram. You populate this list by selecting objects from the Available Relationships section and moving them to the Included Relationships section.

    Note: Use the toolbar options on the Relationships tab to sort objects, change the name display format, move or remove objects, and open the editor for a selected object.

  5. Click the Layout tab and work with the following options:
    Manual Layout

    Lets you specifiy whether or not you want users to change relationship layouts and resize entities.

    Grid Alignment

    Lets you specify details about aligning objects to the grid.

  6. Click the Display tab and work with the following options:

    Lets you specify details about displaying shadows of objects.

    Display Length

    Lets you specify the length of comments, definitions, and expressions that you want to display.

    Relationship Display

    Lets you specify display details for relationships.

  7. Click the Entity tab to set entity display preferences.
  8. Click the Table tab to set table display preferences.
  9. Click the View tab to set display options for views.
  10. Click the Relationship tab to set display options for relationships.
  11. Click the Page Setup tab to set print options.
  12. Click the Page Setup margins tab to set Header, Footer, and Margin Defaults for Printing.
  13. Click the Definition tab to enter a definition for the diagram.
  14. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the diagram.
  15. Click Close.

    The options you defined are saved and the Diagram editor closes.

More information:

The Diagram Editor

Set Entity Display Preferences

Set Table Display Preferences

Set Display Options for Views

Set Display Options for Relationships

Set Page Setup Defaults for Printing

Set Header, Footer and Margin Defaults for Printing