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Select a Target Column or Attribute for the Link Object

You use the Target page on the Link Wizard to select the link target column or attribute.

To select a link object target

  1. Click the Target page of the Link Wizard.

    The Target page displays the available objects to which you can link.

  2. Work with the following options:
    Target Owner Entity/Table

    Lists all the entities/tables in your model. You can sort the list when you click the sort icon on the toolbar. For a logical/physical model, you can toggle between the display of logical or physical names.

    Target Attribute/Column

    Lets you select or create a target attribute or column. If you select to create a new attribute or column, a Name field appears so that you can enter the attribute/column name.


    Lets you enter a definition for the target attribute or column.

    The selected column/attribute becomes the target object for the link. You then specify the properties to synchronize in the Properties page.