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Select Advanced Options to Refine the Compare Criteria

Use the options in the Complete Compare - Advanced Options Selection pane to further refine the compare criteria.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Actions, Complete Compare.

    The Complete Compare Wizard opens.

  2. Click the Advanced Options link in the navigation pane and choose from the following options:
    Auto dispose Database/Script Models

    Closes the model that is created from the database or script, automatically when you end the compare session. The option to save the model is not displayed.

    Auto resolve missing UDPs

    Copies the missing UDPs to the target model, when all the differences are due to missing UDPs. Complete Compare detects missing UDPs or property differences for common UDPs and displays the Type Resolution dialog before the Complete Compare session. Select this check box to skip the Type Resolution dialog when all the differences are due to missing UDPs.

    Case Sensitive Compare

    Performs a case-sensitive compare. This option affects both the alignment of objects in the object tree and the equality of property values in the property pane. When the option is cleared, case is ignored for the purposes of alignment and equality testing of text property values.

    Using Database Id Matching

    Matches by Database ID. This option is available for Informix, SAP ASE, and SQL Server database servers only. If the DB ID property is present, objects are aligned based on the property. Database IDs are present only in models that are reverse-engineered from a database. Select this property to compare a model with the same model that is reverse-engineered from a database.

    Using Object Id Matching

    Aligns objects that are based on the Object ID property, where applicable. This option is available for the DB2 z/OS database server only.

    Display Unified Attributes

    Select this check box to simplify the display of foreign-key attributes in the Resolve Differences dialog. When selected, a Unified Attributes group object is used to display all unified attributes (role-named or not) of the same unified set of attributes.

    Any attributes that are aligned to the attributes under the Unified Group object appear as part of the Unified Group object, even if they are not unified attributes.

    The Unified Attributes group object carries the unified name if all the attributes under it are part of the same unified set. If not, the name consists of a comma-delimited list of names of all the attributes under it.

    Exclude Unaligned Objects in the Left Model

    Excludes unaligned model-level objects from the left model in the Resolve Differences dialog. Use this option as a filter to distinguish between changes in a model subset and a larger model of which the subset is a part.

    Exclude Unaligned Objects in the Right Model

    Excludes unaligned model-level objects from the right model in the Resolve Differences dialog. Use this option as a filter to distinguish between changes in a model subset and a larger model of which the subset is a part.

    Note: You can select both, Exclude Unaligned Objects in the Left Model and Exclude Unaligned Objects in the Right model to compare only the objects that are present in both the models.

    Display Only Aligned Objects

    You can select to display only aligned model-level objects in the Resolve Differences dialog by selecting both the Exclude Unaligned Objects in the Left Model and Exclude Unaligned Objects in the Right Model check boxes.

    Ignore Code Comments

    Excludes blocks of comments from the body of a trigger, before including it in the compare process. If the only difference is in the comments, excluding comments enables Complete Compare to recognize that a trigger has not changed.

    Prefix Owner

    Matches by prefix table owner. When you select this option, objects are aligned based on both the name and owner name property.

    Select Active Subject Area

    Specifies that you want to select the active subject area by default in the Object Selection pane. Selecting a subject area by default simplifies the selection, especially in models that contain many subject areas.

    Using Name Matching

    Matches by object name. Relationship, index, and index members are aligned based on the name, in addition to the normal criteria used to align these objects. Use this property if the models that are being compared have the same named objects with different owners. In this case, you can compare to see if the two models are similar other than the owner or schema name.

    Tablespace in Database

    Aligns objects according to both, the IN_TABLESPACE and IN_DATABASE properties, where applicable. This option is available only for the DB2 z/OS database server.

    Include Only Generated Objects

    Includes objects for which the Generate check box in the property editor is selected. The Generate check box specifies whether you want to generate SQL for the object during forward engineering.

    Click Compare to begin the compare process.

    The options are saved and the compare process begins.

More information:

Complete Compare

Complete Compare Examples

Complete Compare Wizard Summary