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Move a Column Using the Model Explorer

You can use the Model Explorer to move a column in a model within the same table or from one table to another. If you drag the column from the Model Explorer into the table in the diagram window, you control the placement of the column. Where you place the column in relation to other columns effects the column order in the entity or table.

If you drag the column from the Model Explorer to another table within the Model Explorer you do not have any control as the column appears at the bottom of the table in the diagram window and always appears in alphabetical order in the Model Explorer. If the table is very large, perhaps hundreds of columns, you could locate the column easily in the Model Explorer because the columns are in alphabetical order. You could select it and drag to whatever location you want within the table’s column ordering thus changing the column order.

To move a column using the Model Explorer

  1. Expand the Tables and Columns folder in the Model Explorer.

    The columns display.

  2. Select the column that you want to move, and drag it to the table in the Model Explorer or in the diagram where you want to place it.

    The column is moved.

Note: There are two column order display levels in the physical model, only the column order display level displayed is affected. In the logical model there is only one attribute order.