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Lock a Catalog Entry

You can lock any catalog entry, even mart, to restrict other users from editing it. You can view the current lock status of a catalog entry in the Locks section in Catalog Manager.

You can apply locks from the Open dialog, from the Mart toolbar, or from Catalog Manager.

Locks last until the duration of a session or until removed. Locks can last even after a session is disconnected; it means that the user is disconnected from the Mart but the lock is still preserved. You can work offline on a model without losing the lock. Only the Administrator can override any lock.

Note: Locks that are applied manually are tied to the user and not to the session. Closing a session will not remove manually applied locks. The lock owner has to remove such locks from Catalog Manager.

Catalog Management has the following lock options:

Existence Lock

Prevents other users from deleting a catalog entry. You can edit or move the catalog entry but cannot delete the entry. The presence of an Existence Lock prevents anyone, other than the lock owner, from acquiring an Exclusive Lock on the entry. You can apply Existence Lock, Shared Lock, or Update Lock, with the existing Existence Lock, to the catalog entry.

Shared Lock

Lets only the lock holder edit the catalog entry. Other users can open the catalog entry, but cannot edit it. The presence of a Shared Lock prevents anyone from acquiring Update Lock or an Exclusive Lock on the entry. You can apply Existence Lock with Shared Lock to a catalog entry.

Update Lock

Lets only the lock holder edit the catalog entry. The presence of Update Lock on an entry prevents the other users from acquiring any other locks, except Existence Lock. No other user can open the catalog entry.

Exclusive Lock

Lets only the lock holder edit a catalog entry. The presence of Exclusive Lock prevents anyone from acquiring any type of lock on the entry.

Unlock Entry

Specifies that the catalog entry is currently unlocked.

Depending on the type of lock, you can move any entry in the catalog. Acquire Update Lock on a catalog entry before you move that entry.

You cannot move or copy a catalog entry if even one of the following points is true: