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How to Use the Metadata Integration Wizard

You can load a wide variety of models generated by other sources into a data model. Technology from Meta Integration Technology, Inc. is embedded with erwin Data Modeler to provide integration capabilities with about 100 industry-leading metadata products in the form of a wizard.

There is a different wizard depending on what you need to do. To convert data from another application into a format supported by erwin Data Modeler, use the Import from External Format wizard. To convert data from a erwin Data Modeler model to a format supported by another application, use the Export to External Format wizard.

You use the Import from External Format wizard to do the following:

You use the Export to External Format wizard to do the following:

Note: Before exporting, ensure that you save the model (even when you have not made any changes).

When you invoke either wizard for the first time, all fields are populated with default values. When you invoke either wizard again, the fields are populated with the values you entered previously.

For a list of supported bridges, see Supported Metadata Integration Bridges.

More information:

Set Options for Import from External Format

Set Options for Export to External Format