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Forward and Reverse-Engineering Indexes

When you generate the physical database schema from a physical model, you can include your indexes as part of the schema. The index definitions are translated into the appropriate schema statements and the specified parameter information is inserted in the correct syntax. You can generate schema statements for primary key, alternate key, foreign key, inversion entry key, and clustered indexes.

If the server supports the option, you can generate schema statements for physical storage objects. Select the option in the Schema Generation Report dialog.

When you reverse-engineer a database, the name, definition, and parameters of each index that is defined on the server are imported. When you import the index information from a server, the storage location information for each index is maintained. Therefore, you can recreate the database using the same storage assignments. You do not have to reassign the storage location for each index manually.

After you import indexes, you can view or modify the index properties, definitions, and table associations in the Indexes dialog. You can assign an index to a physical storage object in the Indexes dialog for a DB2 z/OS, Informix, Oracle, SQL Server, and SAP ASE database. If your target database is DB2 z/OS, Informix, and Oracle, you can also modify the storage parameters in the Indexes dialog.

If a physical storage option is selected for a DB2 z/OS, Informix, Oracle, or SAP ASE database, then the schema includes index physical storage parameters.

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