Use the SQL Server Table Index Editor to define table indexes in a SQL Server physical model.
To define a table index in SQL Server
The SQL Server Table Index Editor opens.
Note: Click New on the toolbar to create either a new unique (alternate key, or AK) or non-unique (inverted entry, or IE) index. Use the Enter filter text box to filter a very large list of indexes to quickly locate the one that you want to define.
Specifies to display FK (foreign key) indexes in the Navigation Grid.
Specifies the physical name of the index. Change the physical name of the index in this field.
Displays key designation of the index.
Specifies if the index is unique or non-unique. Select the check box if it is a unique index.
Specifies whether the index should be suppressed from a logical model and appear in a physical model only.
Generates SQL during forward engineering. Clear the check box if you do not want to generate SQL.
Generates the index as a constraint. Select the check box to enable this option. When this option is enabled, the Constraint Name field on the General tab is populated with the index name.
Specifies whether the index is clustered or nonclustered.
Defines the index name when you have specified to generate it as a constraint.
Specifies the filtering criteria for the index, which defines the rows of the table that are included in the index.
Lists the columns defined to the table and lets you specify the columns to place into the index. You can use the toolbar to specify sort order, move columns up or down in the list, invoke the Column Editor to manage column properties, or open the Reset Order dialog to reset column order.
Specifies other non-key columns to include in the index. These columns are not part of the index but are stored along with the index columns in the index data area for fast retrieval. This optimizes retrieval speed because a read of this column is satisfied from the index data area, without accessing the row from the row data area. You can use the toolbar to specify sort order, move columns up or down in the list, or invoke the Column Editor to manage column properties.
The table index is defined and the SQL Server Table Index Editor closes.
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