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Define a DB2 z/OS Trusted Context

Use the Trusted Context editor to specify parameters for this DB2 object. A Trusted Context enables you to establish a trusted relationship between a DB2 DBMS and an external entity.

Note: This topic applies to DB2 for z/OS version 9.1 only.

To define a DB2 z/OS Trusted Context

  1. Right-click a Trusted Context in the Model Explorer and select Properties.

    The DB2 z/OS Trusted Context editor opens.

  2. Select a trusted context name and work with the following options:

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create a trusted context. Use the Enter filter text text box to filter a large list of trusted contexts to locate the one you want to work with.


    Specifies the name of the trusted context.


    Specifies that the trusted context is enabled.

    Authorization ID

    Specifies the Authorization ID to use for the Trusted Context. DBC and PUBLIC are provided. You can open the User Id Editor from the provided link to create or revise a User ID.


    Specifies whether or not to generate DDL for this object during Forward Engineering.

  3. Work with the following options on the General tab:
    Default Role

    Specifies that the selected role name is the role for the trusted context.

    Is Role Used for Object Ownership

    Specifies whether or not the role is the owner of the objects created using a trusted connection that is based on the trusted context.

    Default Security Label

    Specifies the default security label for the trusted context; in addition, specifies that the security label is used for multilevel security verification.

  4. Click the Trusted Context Attributes tab and work with the following options:

    Specifies the names of attributes that are used to define the trusted context.

    Attribute Type

    Specifies the type of attribute that defines the trusted context. Select from the drop-down list; valid values are, Address, Server Authorization, Jobname, and Encryption.


    Specifies the value of the attribute. This field appears if you have selected Address, Server Authorization, or Jobname for the Attribute Type field.

    Encryption Type

    Specifies the minimum level of encryption for the trusted context. Select from the drop-down list; valid values are, None, Low, and High.

  5. Click the Trusted Context Users tab and work with the following options:

    Specifies the user who can use a trusted connection that is based on the trusted context.

    User Type

    Specifies the type of user that uses the trusted connection that is based on the trusted context. Select from the drop-down list; valid values are, Authorization Name, External Security Profile, and Public.

    Authorization ID

    Specifies the authorization ID for the selected Authorization Name to access a trusted connection that is based on the trusted context. Select from the drop-down list.

    Profile Name

    Specifies the profile name that the primary authorization ID can use to use the trusted connection.

    Database Role

    Specifies the role of the selected user that uses the trusted connection using the trusted context.

    Security Label

    Specifies the security label to use for multilevel security verification when the trusted connection is used by the specified authorization-name.

    Is Authenticated

    Specifies whether the user that uses the trusted connection has to be authenticated.

  6. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments that you want to associate with the object.
  7. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the object.
  8. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view and edit user notes.
  9. Click Close.

    The DB2 for z/OS Trusted Context Editor closes.

More information:

Add a Comment in a Property Editor

Add a UDP in a Physical Property Editor