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Define Hive Partitions

Use the Hive Table Partition Editor to define table partitions in a Hive physical model.

To define a Hive partition

  1. In the Model Explorer, under Tables right-click Partitions and click New.

    An instance of Partition is created.

  2. Right-click the instance and click Properties.

    The Hive Table Partition Editor opens.

  3. In the navigation grid, select the partition that you want to define and work with the following options:

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create a partition. Use the Enter filter text box to filter a very large list of always encrypted keys to quickly locate the one that you want to define.


    Specifies the name of the partition. Set the name of the partition in this field.


    Specifies that the partition's files should be moved into a Hadoop Archive (HAR).


    Specifies whether you want to read metadata and write it back. This is similar to causing pre/post execute hooks to fire.

  4. On the General tab, work with the following options:
    Storage Options:
    Serde Handler Class

    Specifies the name of a Java class that implements the Hive SerDe interface.

    Stored As

    Specifies the type of file in which data is to be stored. The file can be a TEXTFILE, SEQUENCEFILE, RCFILE, or BINARY SEQUENCEFILE.

    Input Format

    Lets you specify your own Java class if you want Hive to read from a different file format. The value of this property depends on the Stored As value.

    Output Format

    Lets you specify your own Java class if you want Hive to write to a different file format. The value of this property depends on the Stored As value.

    Serde Properties

    Specifies SerDe properties to be associated with the storage handler class.

    Other Options:

    Specifies whether multiple small RC or ORC files contained in a table or partition should be merged into larger files.


    Specifies whether data should be compacted periodically to save space and optimize data access. Select the type of compaction from the drop-down list:


    Takes one or more delta files and the base file for the bucket and rewrites them into a new base file per bucket.


    Takes a set of existing delta files and rewrites them to a single delta file per bucket.

    Partition Exchange:
    Destination Table

    Specifies the table to which the partition should be moved to. Select a table from the drop-down list or click New New icon in property editors to create a new object to create one.

  5. Click the Statistics tab to view the following options:
    Number Of Files

    Specifies the number of files the table has.

    Number Of Rows

    Specifies the number of rows the table has

    Raw Data Size

    Specifies the size of the original dataset.

    Total Size

    Specifies the amount of storage the original dataset takes.

    Note: The above information is fetched only when reverse engineering from database is done and you have chosen to store statistical information.

  6. Click Close.

    The partition is defined and the Hive Table Partition Editor closes.

For more information, refer to Hive documentation.