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Define DB2 z/OS Table or Index Partitions

When your target server is DB2, you can work with options on the Partitions tab on the Index Editor to specify the partition type and elements.

To define DB2 index partition elements

  1. Click the Partitions tab in the Index Editor and click the Partition Element Editor icon.

    The DB2 for z/OS Index Partition Element Editor opens.

  2. Select a partition element and work with the following options:

    Note: Click New New icon in property editors to create a new object on the toolbar to create an index partition element. Use the Enter filter text text box to filter a large list of index partition elements to locate the one you want to work with.


    Specifies the partition name.

    Partition Number

    Displays a read-only integer designating the partition number.

    Is Ending Value InclusiveExcluded

    Indicates that the specified range values are included in the data partition.

  3. Click the Using Clause tab and work with the following properties:
    Volume Catalog

    Identifies the catalog name for the data set.

    Storage Group

    Identifies the storage group for the partition. Select a storage group name from the drop-down list.

    Primary Space Allocation

    Specifies the minimum primary space allocation. Enter an integer in the text box.

    Secondary Space Allocation

    Specifies the minimum secondary space allocation. Enter an integer in the text box.

    Erase When Deleted

    Indicates that you want DB2-managed data sets to be erased when they are deleted during the execution of a utility or SQL statement that drops the partition.

    Free Page Interval

    Specifies how often to leave a page of free space when the partition is loaded or reorganized. Enter an integer in the text box.

    Percent Free

    Indicates what percentage of each page to leave as free space when the table is loaded or reorganized. Enter an integer in the text box.

    Group Bufferpool Type

    Indicates the group bufferpool type. Select a group type from the drop-down list; valid values are Changed, All, and None.

  4. Click the Boundaries tab and work with the following options:

    Specifies a name for the partition boundary.

    Partition Column

    Specifies the column participating in the partition. This field is read-only and is based on the columns you have selected in the Partition tab of the DB2 Table Editor.

    Ending Value Type

    Specifies the type of the ending value. Select from the drop-down list; valid values are, min value and max value.

    Ending Value

    Specifies the last value in the partition.

  5. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments that you want to associate with the object.
  6. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the object.
  7. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view and edit user notes.
  8. Click Close.

    The DB2 for z/OS Index Partition Element Editor closes.

More Information

Define DB2 z/OS Tablespace Partition Elements

Define a DB2 z/OS Tablespace

Define a DB2 z/OS Table

Define a DB2 z/OS Index