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Database Connection Parameters

The connection parameters in the Database Connection dialog vary depending on the target server you select. The variable connection parameters in erwin® Data Modeler are:

SQL Server
Connection Type

Specifies the type of connection you want to use. Select Use Native Connection to connect using the API provided by the SQL Server Native client software. Select Use ODBC Data to connect using the ODBC data source that you have defined.


Specifies the name of the server where the database is installed.


Specifies the name of the database that you want to connect to.

Use Encrypted Connection

Indicates that the SQL Server connection that is being established is encrypted to guarantee privacy.

SQL Azure
Connection Type

Specifies the type of connection you want to use. Select Use Native Connection to connect using the API provided by the SQL Server Native client software. Select Use ODBC Data to connect using the ODBC data source you have defined.


Specifies the name of the server where the database is installed.

Note: You may need to append the SQL Azure server name to the login in the connection string using the <login>@<server> notation. If you do, separate the login and the SQL Azure server name with the at (@) symbol. For more information, see Connecting to SQL Azure.


Specifies the name of the database that you want to connect to.


Specifies the name of the server where the database is installed.


Specifies the name of the database that you want to connect to.

Connection String

Specifies the connection string (TNSNames entry).

Connect as SYSDBA

Specifies that you want to connect to Oracle as SYSDBA. Select the check box.

ODBC/Generic, DB2 LUW, Hive, Informix, DB2 for i, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Progress, SAS, and Teradata
Metastore Database

Specifies the relational database that stores the metadata for Hive tables and partitions in a relational database. This parameter is specific to Hive.

Note: Ensure that you install the drivers that correspond to the Metastore Database that you select.

ODBC Data Source

Specifies the data source to which you want to connect. The drop-down list displays the data sources that are defined on your computer.

Invoke ODBC Administrator

Specifies whether you want to start the ODBC Administrator software and display the Select Data Source dialog. You can then select a previously defined data source, or create a data source.

Note: For FE or Alter Script process, on the Hive Connection dialog, always set the Metastore Database to Default and the ODBC Data Source to relevant Hive connection driver.

Alternate Catalog

Specifies the name of the alternate catalog that you want to use for the connection. If you leave this value empty, the application connects to the system catalog. If necessary, consider connecting to the alternate catalog for faster reverse engineering.

The Parameters/Value Options in erwin® Data Modeler Workgroup Edition are:

SQL Server and SAP ASE:


Enter the server name.


Enter the name of the database.


Connection String

Enter the connection string (TNSNames entry).