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Add a Domain in the Logical Edit Mode

The Domain Editor lets you define properties for attributes and columns. You can create a domain and can attach it to any number of attributes and columns instead of defining properties for each column individually. You can work with features in the Domain Editor to add a domain to the logical model.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Model, Domains.

    The Domain Editor opens.

  2. Click the New New icon in property editors to create a new object button on the toolbar.

    A new domain with a default name is added and is placed in alphabetical order.

  3. Work with the following options in the Navigation Grid:

    Displays the name of the domain in the logical model.

    Note: Duplicate domain names are not allowed.

    Domain Parent

    Displays the current parent domain. You can change the domain using the drop-down list.

    Logical Data Type

    Specifies the logical data type for the domain. You can change the data type using the drop-down list. The drop-down list contains the data types related to the current domain.

    Logical Only

    Specifies whether the domain appears only in the logical model. Select this check box if you want the domain to appear only in the logical model. Clear this check box if you want the domain in the physical model. If you select this check box in a logical-only model and you derive a new physical-only model, the domain does not appear in the new model.

  4. Work with the other tabs in the editor to define more domain properties.
  5. Click Close.

    The domain is added to the logical model and the Domain Editor closes.

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More information:

Domains in the Logical Model