Oracle_Reuse_Control_File (Boolean property)

Applies to an Oracle database. Specifies to reuse existing control files identified by the initialization parameter CONTROL_FILES and overwrites the existing control files' information. You cannot use this clause if you also specify a parameter value that requires that the control file be larger than the existing files. These parameters are MAXLOGFILES, MAXLOGMEMBERS, MAXLOGHISTORY, MAXDATAFILES, and MAXINSTANCES.

Note: It is advised to use the Control File Reuse clause to recreate a database, rather than to create a new database.

If you omit this clause and any of the files specified by CONTROL_FILES already exist, Oracle returns an error.

Tagged Values

Name Value
tag_DBMS_Brands_And_VersionsOracle 6.0+
tag_Display_Name_ResourceControl File Reuse