Defining Azure Synapse Functions

The following properties are applicable to an Azure Synapse Function object.




Additional Information


Function Type

Specifies the function type

Based on the type you select, additional properties are enabled.

For more information, refer to Microsoft Azure Synapse documentation.

Null Input Mode

Specifies the function's behavior when it is called with NULL inputs

Called on null input: Indicates that function body executes even if NULL is passed as an argument

Returns Null on null input: Indicates that NULL is returned when any of the function parameters is NULL, without invoking the function body

Return Data Type

Specifies the return data type when the function is a scalar function Available only when Function Type is set to Scalar Function
Schema Binding Specifies that the function is bound to the database objects that it references Available both, when Function Type is set to Scalar Function or Inline Table Function
As Function Definition

Specifies the code executed by the function

Available both, when Function Type is set to Scalar Function or Inline Table Function