Macro Toolbox
The Macro Toolbox contains predefined erwin DM macros. They are grouped together by type: Entity, Relationship, Attribute, Constraint, and Miscellaneous. Table macros are grouped with Entity macros, and Column macros are grouped with Attribute macros. When you select a specific macro, the Macro Toolbox describes the macro and provides an example based on the sample Emovies diagram. The Macro Toolbox is also "non-modal," which means you can have it open while you work on the script.
The Macro Toolbox can be accessed from these commonly used dialogs:
- Model Naming
- Trigger Editor
- Domain Dictionary
- Pre and Post Scripts
- Stored Procedures
- UDP macros
Whenever you click on the Macro Toolbox from any of these dialogs, the Macro Toolbox opens.
Note: The Macro Toolbox is not accessible within the Domain Dictionary Editor when using inheritable definitions and notes.
Important! You can use two kinds of macros in erwin® Data Modeler: the macros in the Macro Toolbox (documented here) and the macros in the Template Editor (used during Forward Engineering). For documentation on the Forward Engineering macros, please refer to the Template Language and Macro Reference document installed with the product.
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