Link Objects
The functionality previously implemented using the Column Denormalization transform in releases prior to r8 is now implemented using the Link object. Link objects are created or modified in either the Attribute Editor or the Column Editor using the Link Wizard, and provide the following functionality:
- Synchronize an existing source column to a new or existing target column. You can create a new target column using the wizard, or you can select an existing column used by any table in the model.
- Two Link objects are created for every link--one owned by the source column and one owned by the target column. In the case of a unidirectional synchronization, the synchronization direction on the source column will be set to From This, and on the target column, to To This.
- Link object properties include:
- Name
- Definition
- Synch Direction (From This, To This, None, Two-way)
- Target Column Reference
- Synch Properties List
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