Set Model Properties

Before you start creating a model, select the model properties. Use the options in the Model Editor, General tab and specify the model name, author, and modeling features. Review the model type and target server.

You can create models in the IDEF1x and Information Engineering notations. Use the Model Editor dialog to specify the notation as well.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Model, Model Properties.

    The Model Editor opens.

  2. Click the General tab and work with the following options:

    Defines the title of the model. The title that is specified here identifies the model by name in other dialogs such as Complete Compare and Design Layer.


    Defines the name of the person who creates the model.

    Logical Notation

    Lets you specify either the IDEF1x or the Information Engineering notation preference for a logical model.

    Physical Notation

    Lets you specify either the IDEF1x, Information Engineering, or Data Warehousing notation preference for a physical model.

    Is Dimensional

    Activates the dimensional modeling functionality in your model.

    Data Movement

    Specifies that you want to enforce data movement rules and sources. This option enables you to import and create data sources, data source tables, and columns, and assign data source columns to model columns.

  3. Click Close.

    General model properties are set and the Model Editor closes.