Bind a Model Template

Binding a model template to a data model copies the non-built-in objects from the template model to the target model. When you bind a template to a model, the predefined objects populate your model. This process eliminates the need to create objects manually or to use reverse engineering. Changes to the model template are displayed in the models that use it, maintaining consistency of your object names. When you open a model that is bound to a model template, you can choose to synchronize any model template changes with current the model. Whenever you open a model that is bound to a model template, confirm whether to synchronize any model template changes with the objects used in the model.

You can bind model templates any time, while creating a model or after the model is created.

Objects that are brought in to a model from a template fully follow the modeling rules. If any conflicts occur in the model, the existing data is preserved as much as possible.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open erwin Data Modeler and then open a data model.
  2. Click File, Model Templates, Bind Template.

    The Bind Model Template dialog opens.

  3. Use the toolbar to browse for the template file locally on your computer or in the Mart.
  4. Select one of the following options and then click OK:
    Load the entire contents of the template

    Specifies to load the entire contents of the template. This option binds all of the model template objects to the current model without the opportunity to review and select individual template objects.

    Run the Template Wizard to select objects for synchronization

    Specifies to open the Model Template Synchronization Wizard so that you can select the objects in the model template to synchronize with the data model.

    The model opens in the workspace with the template objects copied into it. The theme is applied to the data model.

Note: While binding a template using this method, synchronization on loading the model does not work as expected for inherited templates. As a workaround, do either of the following:

  • Refresh the template using the File > Model Templates > Refresh Template option.
  • Select Preserve the template binding while creating a new model.

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