Select Model Details
The New Model dialog is displayed when you create a model and when you reverse engineer a database or a script. In addition, the dialog is displayed during Complete Compare, when you select to reverse engineer the right model. The first step for creating a model is to select the type of model you are creating and the target database you plan to use. Your selection enables the application to display editors for the objects relevant to the selected type of model and database.
If you are creating a model, start from Step 1 of this procedure. If you are reverse engineering, start from Step 4.
Follow these steps:
- Open erwin® Data Modeler.
- (Optional) Complete the following steps to connect to a Mart:
- Click Connect to Mart.
The Connect to Mart dialog opens. You can connect to a Mart only if you have bought erwin DM Workgroup Edition.
- Enter your credentials and click Connect.
Your user name is displayed on the status bar, indicating that you are connected to a Mart.
- Click Connect to Mart.
- Click File, New Model.
The New Model dialog opens.
- Complete the following fields to create a model:
- Select Logical, Physical, or Logical/Physical.
- If you have selected Physical or Logical/Physical, select the target database and its version number.
- Select a template for Template. Click OK.
A new blank model appears. You can select a template that includes a theme. If you are reverse engineering, the theme is applied to the objects in the new model. If you are creating a model, the theme is applied as you create the model objects.
- Complete the following fields to create a model that is same as the template model:
- Select Match template.
- Click Browse Files or Browse Mart and select a template model from your local computer or Mart. Click OK.
A new model, which is of the same type as the template model is created. The objects in the selected template model appear in the new model. The target database and the theme of the template model are applied to the new model. Similarly, if you are reverse engineering, the new model inherits the same type, target database, and the theme.
- Complete the following fields to create a model that is based on a template and matches the selected target server and model type:
- Select Physical or Logical/Physical.
- Select Match template target server.
- Click Browse Files or Browse Mart and select a template model from your local computer or Mart. Click OK.
The objects in the selected template model appear in the new model, as appropriate for the selected database and model type. The theme of the template model is applied to the new model.
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