Setting Reverse Engineering Options
To set reverse engineering options, on the Reverse Engineer - Set Options dialog box, work with following options:
- Reverse Engineer From
Specifies that reverse engineering (RE) will happen from a database.
- NSM Options
Lets you select the naming standard glossary file (.CSV) that you want to apply to your model.
- Items to Reverse Engineer
Displays the default option set, which includes all the objects and properties for the selected target database. You can change the default option set and save it for future use. The option set can be saved as a model or as an XML file. If you save the option set as a model, the options are applicable only to that model. If you save the option set as an XML file, you can use it with other models as well.
Reverse Engineer
Specifies whether you want to reverse engineer system objects and user tables, or only user tables. If you select the System Objects check box the system tables, views, and stored procedures related to system tables are reverse engineered.
Note: For Redshift, selecting the S3Bucket Objects check box reverse engineers objects from Amazon S3Bucket.
- Table/Views Owned By
Reverse engineers tables and views by ownership. You must have read and write privileges on all the tables that you want to reverse engineer, regardless of whether you are the owner of the table. Select one of the following ownership options:
- All
Reverse engineers all tables and views in the database for which you have the necessary permissions, regardless of the owner.
- Current User
Reverse engineers only those tables and views that are owned by the current user. The current user details are entered in the <Database> Connection dialog.
- Owners (comma separated)
Reverse engineers the tables and views that are owned by the users that are specified here. Enter the user names in capital letters.
- Infer
Specifies whether you want to infer primary keys or relationships, or both, during reverse engineering. Work with the following options:
- Primary Keys
Infers primary key columns for the tables that are based on defined indexes.
- Relations
Infers the relationships between tables that are based on either primary key column names or defined indexes. Select this option and then specify whether to use primary key column names or defined indexes:
Infers the relationships from the table indexes. Relationships are inferred from table indexes only if the primary key columns of the parent table are part of the index in the child table.
Infers the relationships from the primary key column names. Relationships are inferred from columns names only if all of the primary key columns of the parent are in the child table.
Note: If the target database or script supports primary and foreign key declarations, you do not need to use the Primary Keys, Relations, Indexes, or Names options.
- Case Conversion of Physical Names
Specifies how the case conversion of physical names is handled during reverse engineering. Work with the following options:
- None
Preserves the case exactly as it appears in the script file or database.
- lower
Converts the names to lower case.
Converts the names to upper case.
- Force
Overrides the physical name property for all objects in logical/physical models automatically during reverse engineering.
If this option is not enabled, all logical and physical names are set to the same value after the process completes. If this option is enabled, the logical/physical link is broken between the logical and physical name.
- Case Conversion of Logical Names
Specifies how the case conversion of logical names is handled during reverse engineering. Work with the following options:
- None
Preserves the case exactly as it appears in the script file or database.
- lower
Converts the names to lower case.
Converts the names to upper case.
- Mixed
Preserves mixed-case logical names.
- Include Generated Triggers
- Scheduler
Specifies the model and mart location for the RE job that is being scheduled.
- Model
Specifies the location where the reverse engineered model should be saved.
- Mart Folder
Specifies the location/library in erwin Mart where you wish to save the reverse engineered model. To use this option, ensure that you are connected to a mart. For more information, refer to the Connecting to Mart topic.
- Complete Compare
Specifies whether Complete Compare (CC) process should run.
- Output File
Specifies the location of the CC output file generated after the reverse engineering process.
- File/Mart
Specifies whether the CC process uses a file available locally or a model saved on mart.
- Target Model
Specifies the location of the target model for CC.
- Option Set
Specifies the option set that must be used for CC.
- Advanced: Includes all erwin DM metadata. CC works the slowest with this option set.
- Speed: Includes only essential metadata. This is the default option set. CC works the fastest with this option set.
- Standard: Includes standard metadata. CC works fast with this option set compared to the Advanced option set.
Specifies whether erwin-generated triggers are loaded during the reverse engineer process. This option is linked to the Automatically Create RI Triggers setting in the Model Editor, RI Defaults tab. When you choose to create RI triggers automatically, the triggers are treated as model objects. These objects can be forward-engineered into a model, database, or script file. You can include or exclude automatically generated triggers when you reverse engineer.
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