Defining Progress Views

The following properties are applicable to a Progress View object.




Additional Information

  Name Specifies the name of the view  
Owner Specifies the owner of the view  
Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the view during forward engineering  
Select Available Tables and Views Specifies a list of available tables and views Under Available Tables and Views, select the columns that you want to define as view column. Then, click .
Columns Specifies the columns selected from the available tables and views
Select Type Specifies the expression type to indicate whether duplicate rows are returned Distinct: Indicates that the statement discards duplicate rows and returns only the remaining rows
Restriction Type Specifies the With Check Option for the view column. With Check Option: Indicates that all modifications made through the view to the underlying tables satisfy the definition of the view
Alias Specifies a temporary name given to a table, column, or expression present in a query based on the selected column  
Expression Specifies the expression for a selected column Available only when the selected column is a user-defined function expression
From Available Tables and Views Specifies a list of available tables and views Under Available Tables and Views, select the tables or views from which you want to select view columns. Then, click .
From Specifies the selected tables and views
Alias Specifies an alternate name for the selected table or view  
Clauses Where Specifies the Boolean expression of the Where clause  
Group By Specifies the grouping expression that defines how the rows are grouped together  
Having Specifies the Boolean expression of the Having clause