Defining Progress Stored Procedures

The following properties are applicable to a Progress Stored Procedures object.




Additional Information

  Name Specifies the name of the stored procedure  
Type Specifies whether the script template type is applied to models or tables

Model Level: Indicates that the script template is applied for database models

Table Level: Indicates that the script template is applied for database tables

Attach to New Specifies whether the stored procedure must be attached to each new table that you create Available only when Type is set to Table Level
Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the stored procedure during forward engineering  
Code   Specifies the template code of the stored procedure that can include SQL statements and macros  
Expanded Expanded Code (Read Only) Specifies the expanded code of the stored procedure  
Context Specifies the table or view for which the expanded code must be generated Available only when Type is set to Table Level
Comment   Specifies comments about the stored procedure  
Object Creation Order   Specifies the order of DDL statement generation for stored procedures