Defining Progress Table Columns

The following properties are applicable to an Progress Table Column object.




Additional Information

  Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the column  
  Domain Parent Specifies the domain parent of the column  
  Physical Data Type Specifies the physical data type for the selected column  
  Primary Key Specifies the column as the table's primary key  
  Foreign Key Specifies whether the column is a foreign key  
  Physical Only Specifies whether the column is included in the physical model only  
  SDI Specifies whether the column contains Personally Identifiable Information (SDI)  
  Comments Specifies comments about the column  
General Null Option Specifies the usage of the NULL clause for the selected column

Null: Indicates that null values are allowed

Not Null: Indicates that null values are not allowed

Progress Percent Null Specifies an estimated percentage of nulls used for that column Use only whole numbers
Format Specifies the format in which the data is displayed in Progress applications  
Label Specifies the label to be used to identify the column values in Progress applications  
Column-Label Specifies the label to be used to identify the column values in a tabular layout in a Progress application If this field is left empty, Progress uses the name specified in the Label text box
Extent Specifies the number of elements in an array field  
Order Num Specifies the number to identify the display order of a field relative to other fields in a Progress application  
View As Specifies the type of widget to be used to display the column data in a Progress application Supported widget types are: FILL-IN, EDITOR, RADIO-SET, SELECTION-LIST, and TEXT.
Prompt Specifies information for the field in a Progress application  
Column Compression Specifies whether to use column compression  
Character Case Specifies how Progress considers the case of the values in database fields for the selected column during processing

Available only if Physical Data Type is a Character data type. For example, CHAR, CHAR(), CHAR VARYING(), and CHARACTER.

Case-Specific: Indicates that Progress considers the case of the value strings for processing.

None, Not Case-Specific: Indicates that Progress does not consider the case of value strings for processing.

Constraint Use Inherited Constraint Specifies whether the validation rule is inherited from the column's domain  
Name Specifies the name of the inherited validation rule to be attached to the selected column  
Validation Specifies the validation rule to attach to the selected column Available when Use Inherited Constraint is not selected
Use Inherited Default Value Specifies whether the property is inherited from the column's domain  
Name Specifies the name of the default value to be attached to the selected column  
Default Specifies the default value to attach to the selected column Available when Use Inherited Default Value is not selected
Link Link Name Specifies the user-defined link name You can use the Link Wizard to create and manage link objects and define the link object properties. For more information on the Link Wizard refer to the Link Wizard topic.
Linked To Specifies the linked column name
Synch Direction Specifies the synchronization direction of the link
Definition Specifies the definition of the link
  Indexes Show FK Indexes Specifies whether foreign key indexes appear in the index membership list  
Index Name Specifies the indexes in which the selected column is a member  
Type Specifies the index type