Defining PostgreSQL View Columns

The following properties are applicable to a PostgreSQL View Column object.





Additional Information




Specifies the name of the column




Domain Parent

Specifies the parent domain of the column




Physical Data Type

Specifies the physical data type of the column





Specifies whether the expression for the column is enabled





Specifies comments about the column




Domain Parent

Specifies the domain parent of the column


Name Options


Specifies the physical name of the column


Harden Strategy

Specifies several parameters and practices aimed at enhancing security and reliability

Inherit: Specifies to inherit the view column name, or physical data type

Override: Specifies to override inheritance of the view column name, or physical data type

Harden: Specifies to harden the view column name

Physical Data Type

Physical Data Type

Specifies the physical data type of the column


  1. Work with the other tabs in the editor to access additional design features, for example:
    • Click the Expression tab and enter a view column expression, which is a user-defined expression that is stored as a view column.
    • Work with style sheets which are used to format the font and other graphical themes used in the display of the view in the Style tab.
  2. (Optional) Click the Where Used tab to view where the object is used within the model.
  3. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments that you want to associate with the object.
  4. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the object.
  5. (Optional) Click the History tab to view the history information for the object.
  6. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view and edit user notes.
  7. (Optional) Click the Extended Notes tab to view or edit user notes.
  8. Click Close.

    View column properties are defined and the PostgreSQL View Column Editor closes.

For more information on view column properties, refer to PostgreSQL documentation.