Defining PostgreSQL Table Columns

The following properties are applicable to a PostgreSQL Table Column object.





Additional Properties



Physical Name

Specifies the physical name of the column




Domain Parent

Specifies the domain parent of the column




Physical Data Type

Specifies the physical data type for the selected column. Select a physical data type from the drop-down list.




Primary Key

Specifies to designate the selected column as a primary key column. Select the check box to enable this option




Foreign Key

Specifies to designate the selected column as a foreign key column. Select the check box to enable this option




Physical Only

Specifies whether the column is suppressed from a logical model (as an attribute) and appears in a physical model only




Domain Parent

Specifies the domain parent of the column




Specifies the name of the domain



Physical Name

Specifies the physical name of the column



Harden Strategy

Specifies several parameters and practices aimed at enhancing security and reliability

Inherit: Specifies to inherit the column physical name, physical data type, or null option setting

Override: Specifies to override inheritance for the column physical name, physical data type, or null option setting

Harden: Specifies to harden the column physical name


Physical Data Type

Specifies the physical data type for the selected column. Select a physical data type from the drop-down list.



Null Option

Specifies the usage of the NULL clause for the selected column

Null: Indicates that null values are allowed

Not Null: Indicates that null values are not allowed

















Column Options

Storage Strategy

Specifies the storage mode for the column

Plain: Used for fixed-length values such as integers, which are in-line and uncompressed.

External: Used for external, uncompressed data

Extended: Used for external, compressed data

Main: Used for in-line, compressible data

Default: Sets the storage mode to the default mode for the column's data type

Compression Method

Sets the compression method for the column. Supported only for variable-width data types and is used only when the column's storage mode is main or extended

pglz: Uses a traditional, lightweight compression algorithm called pglz, which compresses column data when specified.

Iz4: Iz4 is a faster compression algorithm compared to pglz, offering a slightly lower compression ratio. It is known for its high speed and efficiency, and when specified, PostgreSQL compresses column data.

default: PostgreSQL defaults to use the pglz compression method for databases or tables, unless otherwise configured.


Specifies a collation to assign to the column, which must be of a collatable data type. If not specified, it uses the default collation of the column's data type. Select an existing collation from the drop-down list or click New icon in property editors to create a new object to create a new one.


With Options

Enables you to specify storage-related parameters that regulate the management and storage of data in that column.


Of Type

Creates a typed table, which takes its structure from the specified composite type (name optionally schema-qualified).


Generate Options

Generation Expression

Specifies the expression used to compute the value for the column


Generated Identity

Specifies whether or not the column is the identity column for the selected table


Generated Type


Always: Determine how explicitly user-specified values are handled in INSERT and UPDATE commands.

By Default: Determine how explicitly user-specified values are handled in INSERT and UPDATE commands.

Increment By

Specifies the number by which the column value increments


Starting Value

Specifies the first value for the identity column


Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value a column can generate


No Min Value

Use this keyword to set this behavior to the default


Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value a column can generate


No Max Value

Use this keyword to set this behavior to the default


Cache Capacity

Specifies the number of sequence numbers to preallocate and store in memory for faster access. The minimum and default value is 1.


Cycle Options

Specifies whether to restart the value if the limit is reached

True: When the limit reaches, the next number is the minvalue or maxvalue.

False: Any calls to nextval after the sequence has reached its maximum value will return an error







Check Constraint

Use Inherited Constraint

Specifies whether the validation rule is inherited from the column domain



Specifies the name of the inherited validation rule to be attached to the selected column



Specifies the validation rule to attach to the selected column

Available when Use Inherited Constraint is not selected


Use Inherited Default Value

Specifies whether the property is inherited from the column domain



Specifies the name of the default value to be attached to the selected column



Specifies the default value to attach to the selected column

Available when Use Inherited Default Value is not selected



Link Name

Specifies the user-defined link name



Linked To

Specifies the linked column name



Synch Direction

Specifies the synchronization direction of the link




Specifies the definition of the link




Show FX Indexes

Specifies whether foreign key indexes appear in the index membership list



Index Name

Specifies the indexes in which the selected column is a member




Specifies the index type


Business Terms Mapping



Specifies the name of the business term




Specifies the definition of the business term




Specifies the description of the business term




Specifies whether the asset is sensitive



SDI Classification

Specifies the SDI classification of the asset




Specifies the asset path


  1. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments you want to associate with the object
  2. (Optional) Click the Where Used tab to view where the object is used within the model.
  3. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the object.
  4. (Optional) Click the History tab to view the history information for the object.
  5. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view and edit user notes.
  6. (Optional) Click the Extended Notes tab to view or edit user notes.
  7. Click Close.

    The table column properties are defined, and the PostgreSQL Table Column Editor closes.