Defining PostgreSQL Access Methods

The following properties are applicable to a PostgreSQL Access Method object.





Additional Information



Name Specifies the name of the access method  


Generate Specifies whether a SQL statement for the access method is generated during forward engineering  
General Access Method Options Access Method Type Specifies the type of table access method

Index: Indicates that the access methods divides the indexes into standard-size pages, enabling users to access the index contents using the regular storage manager and buffer manager.

Table: Indicates the technique for retrieving and manipulating data within database tables.

Handler Function

Specifies a previously registered function's name (possibly schema-qualified) representing the access method

Set up the handler function to accept single argument type, and its return depends on the access method used. For example, for TABLE access methods, it must return as table_am_handler, and for INDEX access methods, it must return as index_am_handler.
  1. (Optional) Click the Comment tab and enter any comments you want to associate with the object.
  2. (Optional) Click the UDP tab to work with user-defined properties for the object.
  3. (Optional) Click the Notes tab to view and edit user notes.
  4. (Optional) Click the Extended Notes tab to view or edit user notes.
  5. Click Close.

    The access method is defined, and the PostgreSQL Access Method Editor closes.

For more information, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.