Defining Google BigQuery Tables

The following properties are applicable to a Google BigQuery Table object.




Additional Information

  Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the table


  Dataset Specifies the dataset to which the table belongs  
  Project Specifies the project to which the dataset belongs  
  Use Replace Syntax Specifies whether the REPLACE syntax is used Selecting this option replaces the syntax with the new DDL that is generated during Forward Engineering.
  If Not Exists Specifies that if the table already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens  
  Table Type Specifies the table type

Base: Indicates a standard table

Clone: Indicates that a standard table is restored from the table snapshot

Copy: Indicates that a table is created with the same metadata and data from another table

External: Indicates that the table's data is stored in an external data source

Like: Indicates that the table is created based on another table and has the same metadata of the specified table

Snapshot: Indicates that the table is snapshot of a base table at a given timestamp

Temp: Indicates that the table is temporary


Physical Only

Specifies whether the table appears in a physical model only


  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the table during forward engineering  
General Label List Specifies an array of labels for the dataset, expressed as key-value pairs



Specifies the name of the table


Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the table


Harden Strategy

Specifies the name of the hardening strategy for a table

Inherit: Indicates to adopt the existing naming conventions established by your organization

Override: Indicates that the existing naming conventions are overwritten with the new one

Harden: Indicates that the naming conventions are hardened across the organization

Default Collation

Specifies the default collation specification for the object


Default Rounding Mode

Specifies the rounding mode for the tables


Expiration Timestamp Specifies the exact time when this table expires, in milliseconds, enclosed in quotation marks


Friendly Name Specifies the user-friendly name for the table, enclosed in quotation marks


KMS Key Name Specifies the Cloud KMS key for encrypting table data in the dataset, enclosed in quotation marks


Allow Jagged Rows Specifies whether the table accepts rows in CSV files that are missing trailing optional columns Available when Table Type is set to External
Allow Quoted Newlines Specifies whether the table allows quoted data sections that contain newline characters in a CSV file Available when Table Type is set to External

Bigtable Options

Specifies the schema of the external Bigtable in JSON format

Available when Table Type is set to External
Compression Specifies the compressed CSV or JSON data, enclosed in quotation marks Available when Table Type is set to External

Connection Name

Specifies connection resources for accessing the remote endpoint

Available when Table Type is set to External
Decimal Target Types Specifies how to convert a Decimal type

For example, ["NUMERIC", "BIGNUMERIC"].

Available when Table Type is set to External

Enable List Inference

Specifies whether to use schema inference for Parquet LIST logical type

Available when Table Type is set to External.

Applicable to Parquet data.

Enable Logical Types Specifies the converted Avro logical types into their corresponding SQL types

Applies only to Avro data.

Available when Table Type is set to External

Encoding Specifies CSV files with data encoded in ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1) format, enclosed in quotation marks

Supported values are UTF8 (or UTF-8) and ISO_8859_1 (or ISO-8859-1)

Available when Table Type is set to External

Enum As Strings

Specifies whether to infer the Parquet ENUM logical type as STRING instead of BYTES

Available when Table Type is set to External.

Applicable to Parquet data.

Expiration Timestamp

Specifies the table expiry time.

The table will only expire if specified.

Available when Table Type is set to External

Field Delimiter Specifies the separator for fields in a CSV file, enclosed in quotation marks

For example, any single-byte character

Available when Table Type is set to External

File Set Spec Type Specifies how to interpret the source URIs for load jobs and external tables

Valid Values:

FILE_SYSTEM_MATCH: Indicates to expand the source URIs by listing files from the object store. This is the default behavior if FileSetSpecType is not set.

NEW_LINE_DELIMITED_MANIFEST: Indicates that the given URIs are manifest files separated by newlines, with one URI per line.

Format Specifies the format of the external data, enclosed in quotation marks


Available when Table Type is set to External

Hive Partition URI Prefix Specifies a common prefix for all source URIs before the partition key encoding begins

Applies to Avro, CSV, JSON, Parquet, and ORC data

Available when Table Type is set to External

Ignore Unknown Values Specifies whether to allow and ignore extra, unrecognized values in CSV or JSON data Available when Table Type is set to External


JSON Extension Specifies the JSON extension, enclosed in quotation marks
Max Bad Records Specifies the maximum number of bad records to ignore when reading the data in CSV, JSON, and Sheets data

Max Staleness

Specifies the maximum time interval to read the stale data in the table. The table copy operation is not allowed if the data is more staler than the specified time.

To disable data caching, specify the value 0.

This option is not available when the Table Type is set to Snapshot.

Metadata Cache Mode

Specifies how the metadata cache mode is refreshed at a defined interval

Available when Table Type is set to External
Null Marker Specifies the string that represents NULL values in a CSV file, enclosed in quotation marks

Object Metadata

Specifies the object metadata of the object table

Preserve Ascii Control Characters

Specifies whether the embedded ASCII control characters in the ASCII tables are preserved

Projection Fields Specifies list of entity properties to load in Datastore data, enclosed in quotation marks
Quote Specifies the string used to quote data sections in a CSV file, enclosed in quotation marks

Reference File Schema URI

Specifies the reference file with the table schema

Applies to Avro, CSV, JSON, Parquet, and ORC data.

Available when Table Type is set to External

Require Hive Partition Filter Specifies whether all queries of table require a partition filter that can be used to eliminate partitions when reading data in Avro, CSV, JSON, Parquet, and ORC data, enclosed in quotation marks

Applies only to hive-partitioned external tables

Available when Table Type is set to External

Sheet Range Specifies the range of a Sheets spreadsheet to query from, enclosed in quotation marks

For example, “sheet1!A1:B20”

Available when Table Type is set to External

Skip Leading Rows Specifies the number of rows at the top of a file to skip when reading the data in CSV and Sheets data Available when Table Type is set to External
URIs Specifies an array of fully qualified URIs for the external data locations Available when Table Type is set to External
Source Table Specifies a standard table Available when Table Type is set to Clone, Copy, Like, or Snapshot


Clustering Column List Specifies the list of columns based on which the table’s data is organized for a clustered table


Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of the selected column


Query Statement   Specifies a valid standalone SQL statement to execute  
Partitions Column Specifies the list of available columns for partition


Physical Data Type Specifies the physical data type for the selected column  
Ingestion Options Specifies the type of pre-defined partition

Available when Table Type is set to Base, Like, or Temp.

PATITIONDATE: Indicates the date of the pre-defiened partition.

PARTITIONTIME: Indicates the time of the pre-defiened partition.

Partition Expiration in Days Specifies the number of days after which a table partition is deleted

This option is not available when the Table Type is set to External, or Snapshot.

Require Partition Filter Specifies whether the table requires a partition filter that can be used for partition elimination to be specified


Scheme Specifies how the table is partitioned

Available when Table Type is set to Base, Like, or Temp.

DATE: Indicates partition by ingestion time with daily partition

DATE_TRUNC: Indicates partition by a DATE column with the specified partitioning type

TIMESTAMP_TRUNC: Indicates partition by ingestion time with the specified partitioning type

DATETIME_TRUNC: Indicates partition by a DATETIME column with the specified partitioning type

RANGE_BUCKET: Indicates partition by an integer column with the specified range

Schema Options Specifies the option to partition table via schema Available when Schema is set to Date_Trunc, Timestamp_Trunc, or Datetime_Trunc.
Start Specifies the start of range partitioning Available when Scheme is set to Range Bucket
End Specifies the end of range partitioning Available when Scheme is set to Range Bucket
Interval Specifies the width of each range within the partition Available when Scheme is set to Range Bucket

If the value of an object property is of the Function type, do not enclose the value in quotation marks.