Defining Google BigQuery Table Indexes

The following properties are applicable to a Google BigQuery Search Index object.

Tab Property Description Additional Information
  Physical Name Specifies the name of the search index  



Specifies whether the index type is Search or Vector index


  If Not Exists Specifies that if the search index already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens  
  Physical Only Specifies whether the search index appears in physical models only  
  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the dataset during forward engineering  
General Index Members Specifies the list of eligible columns to create search or vector index Available only if All Columns is not selected.
All Columns Specifies whether the index is created on all columns of the table Search Indexes are created only on columns of the types STRING and JSON, or contain a STRING or JSON field in them.


Specifies controls of the text analyzer and how data is tokenized for searching and indexing


Data Types

Specifies the data types to use when a search index is created


Distance Type Specifies to use a default distance type when performing a vector search

Available when the Type is set to Vector.

Valid values are EUCLIDEAN, COSINE, and DOT_PRODUCT.

Index Type

Specifies the algorithm that is used to build the vector index

Available when the Type is set to Vector.

Ivf Option

Specifies the algorithm to build the index as an inverted file index

Available when the Type is set to Vector.

Tree Ah Option

Specifies the algorithm to build the index as a tree-quantization based index

Available when the Type is set to Vector.

Use Replace Syntax

Specifies whether to use a replace syntax

Available when the Type is set to Vector.

Vector Index

Stored Columns

Specifies the vector indexes for the stored columns

This tab is applicable only when the index Type is set to Vector.

Comments   Specifies comments about the search index  

You can create multiple search index per Google BigQuery database table. You can only generate one search index at a time.