Defining Google BigQuery Functions

The following properties are applicable to a Google BigQuery Function object.




Additional Information



Specifies the name of the function


  Dataset Specifies the dataset to which the function belongs  
  Project Specifies the project to which the dataset belongs  
  If Not Exists Specifies that if the function already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens  
  Use Replace Syntax Specifies whether the REPLACE syntax is used Selecting this option replaces the syntax with the new DDL that is generated during Forward Engineering



Specifies whether the function is an aggregate

Ensure that the Function Type is not set to Table or Remote when you use the Aggregate function.

The aggregate function now supports SQL and JavaScript user defined functions.

  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the function during forward engineering  



User Defined Context Specifies the user defined contexts of the remote function. These contain a JSON object with the key-value pair.


Function Type Specifies the type of function

Temp: Indicates a temporary function

Table: Indicates a table-valued function

Remote: Indicates a remote function

Language Specifies the language in which the function is defined Available when Function Type is set to Temp
Is Deterministic Specifies whether the function always returns the same result when it is passed the same arguments

Available when Function Type is set to Temp.

True: Indicates that the function always returns the same result when passed the same arguments, and therefore is cacheable

False: Indicates that the function does not always return the same result when passed the same arguments, and therefore is not cacheable

Return Data Type Specifies the data type of the result that the function returns Available when Function Type is set to Remote
Connection Name Specifies the external connection name for the remote function Available when Function Type is set to Remote
Function Body Specifies the function expression  
Library Specifies an array of JavaScript libraries to include in the function definition Available when Function Type is set to Temp


Specifies the endpoint URL to access the remote function

Available when Function Type is set to Remote

Max Batching Rows

Specifies the maximum number of rows should be batched for a HTTP request to avoid function time out

Available when Function Type is set to Remote

Parameters Parameters Specifies name of parameters  
Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of parameters  

Not Aggregate

Specifies that the parameter is not aggregate


Return Table Columns Return Table Columns Specifies the schema of table columns that the function returns  
Physical Data Type Specifies the data type of table columns that the function returns  
Code   Specifies the template code of the stored procedure that can include SQL statements and macros  
Expanded Expanded Code Specifies the expanded code of function