Defining Google BigQuery Datasets

The following properties are applicable to a Google BigQuery Dataset object.




Additional Information



Specifies the name of the dataset


  Project Specifies the project to which the dataset belongs


  If Not Exists Specifies that if the dataset already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens


  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the dataset during forward engineering



Default Collation

Specifies the default collation specification for the object


Friendly Name Specifies a user-friendly name for the dataset, enclosed in quotation marks


Default Table Expiration in Days Specifies the default number of days after which tables in the dataset are deleted


Default Partition Expiration in Days Specifies the default number of days after which a table partition is deleted


Default KMS Key Name Specifies the default Google Cloud KMS encryption path, enclosed in quotation marks


Location Specifies the location where the dataset is created


Default Rounding Mode

Specifies the rounding mode for the new tables created for the dataset


Case Insensitive

Specifies whether the dataset and the table names are case insensitive


Max Time Travel Hours

Specifies the duration (in hours) of the time travel window for the dataset


Storage Billing Model

Specifies to alter the storage billing model for the dataset based on its physical or logical type


Label List   Specifies an array of labels for the dataset, expressed as key-value pairs


If the value of an object property is of the Function type, do not enclose the value in quotation marks.