Defining DynamoDB Indexes

The following properties are applicable to a DynamoDB Index object.





Additional Information

    Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the index  
    Index Type Specifies the key type

Global Secondary: Indicates that the index type is global secondary index (GSI)

Local Secondary: Indicates that the index type is local secondary index

    Physical Only Specifies whether the index is generated only in the physical view of the model  
    Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the index during forward engineering  
General Index Members   Specifies the columns that are included in the index  
Selected Index Members Column Specifies the columns that are included in the index


Column Kind Specifies the index type of the selected column

Partition Key: Indicates that the column is partition key type index

Sort Key: Indicates that the column is sort key type index

Options Projection Type   Specifies the set of attributes that are projected from the table to the index

ALL: Indicates that all the table attributes are projected into the index

KEYS_ONLY: Indicates that only the index and primary keys are projected into the index

INCLUDE: Indicates that the table attributes specified in Projected Non Key Attributes are projected into the index

Projected Non Key Attributes   Specifies a list of non-key attributes that are projected into the index


Index Options Throughput Mode Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput

PAY_PER_REQUEST: Indicates that the billing mode is set to on-demand mode.

PROVISIONED: Indicates that the billing mode is set to provisioned. Requires read capacity units and write capacity units as inputs.

Read Capacity Specifies the maximum number of consistent reads consumed per second before the DynamoDB returns an exception Available when Throughput Mode is set to PROVISIONED
Write Capacity Specifies the maximum number of writes consumed per second before the DynamoDB return an exception Available when Throughput Mode is set to PROVISIONED