Defining Databricks Tables

The following properties are applicable to a Databricks Table object.




Additional Information

  Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the table  
  Database Specifies the database to which the table belongs  
  If Not Exists Specifies that if the table already exists, no exception is thrown, and no action happens  
  Use Replace Syntax Specifies whether the REPLACE syntax is used Selecting this option replaces the syntax with the new DDL that is generated during Forward Engineering.
  Physical Only Specifies whether the table appears in a physical model only  
  Generate Specifies whether a DDL statement is generated for the table during forward engineering  
General Physical Name Specifies the physical name of the table  

Specifies the directory path where the table data is stored

Specifies the path of an external table when a delta table is cloned

Entering a location makes the table an external table.


Table Properties Specifies a list of key-value pairs used to tag the table definition

For example, CREATE TABLE `default`.`test` (`c` INT) USING text TBLPROPERTIES ( 'transient_lastDdlTime' = '1586269021');

This creates a table with the following table properties: 'transient_lastDdlTime' = '1586269021'.

Using Specifies the file format for the table For example, TEXT.
Options Specifies the table options to optimize table behavior You can enter key-value pairs to define options for the table.
Version as Specifies the version of a Delta table This option is part of temporal specification and references a Delta table using its version.
Timestamp As Specifies a timestamp of a Delta table This option is part of temporal specification and references a Delta table at the specified point in time.
Like Table Specifies the table from which the table definition and metadata is copied  
Clone Table Specifies the source delta table that is cloned  
Clone Type Specifies the clone type

Shallow: Indicates that Databricks copies the source table definition and does not copy data

Deep: Indicates that Databricks makes a complete, independent copy of the source table

Storage Fields Terminated By Specifies a character that defines column separator For example, comma ' , '.
Fields Escaped By Specifies an escape mechanism  
Collection Items Terminated By Specifies a character that defines collection item separator For example, underscore ' _ '.
Map Keys Terminated By Specifies a character to define a map key separator For example, colon ' : '.
Lines Terminated By Specifies a row separator character For example, new line ' \n '.
Null Defined As Specifies a value for NULL For example, ' foonull'.
Serde Handler Class Specifies a fully qualified class of a custom SerDe

Default classes are available when Stored As is set to ORC, AVRO, or PARQUET.

This option is blank if native SerDe is used.

Stored As Specifies the file format for the table  
Input Format Specifies the input format for the table Default formats are available when Stored As is set to TEXTFILE, SEQUENCE FILE, ORC, PARQUET, AVRO, or RCFILE.
Output Format Specifies the output format of the table
Stored By Specifies a non-native table format using a storage handler For example, org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler
Serde Properties Specifies a list of key-value pairs used to define SerDe properties  
Bucketing and Partition Bucket Columns Specifies the columns based on which partitions on the table are converted into fixed buckets These columns are specified using the CLUSTERED BY clause in the Create Table statement. This clause is not supported by Delta Lake.
Bucket Sorted Columns Specifies the order in which data is stored in buckets This order is specified using the SORTED BY clause in the Create Table statement. This clause is not supported by Delta Lake.
Bucket Option Specifies the number of buckets into which each partition is divided  
Name Specifies the name of the partition  
Partition Specification Specifies the partition specification  
Location Specifies the location of the partition